A Bellwether Christmas: A Novel – Inspired by True Events

The Mommies Reviews

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I would like to share a new book with you this is going to be perfect to read during Christmas A Bellwether Christmas: A Novel – Inspired by True Events a novel by Laurel Guillen (Author). I’ve been blessed to be able to share this guest What was Christmas like eight hundred years ago, during the Middle Ages? And how did that suddenly change? by Author Laurel Guillen .

A Bellwether Christmas: A Novel – Inspired by True Events including historical events in Greccio, Italy, in 1223 when St. Francis of Assisi designed the first Nativity scene that then gave rise to the Christian and the secular tradition of placing the Nativity scenes on display in Churches, downtown in Cities around the world and home on the fireplace which I wish I had to place one.

The author Laurel Guillen tells us the story about a Lamb named Bart, who is clever and headstrong. You will find human characters, in the story but the bulk of the story is about how the Sheep, Goats, Ox, Donkey, Larks, Hares, and a Wolf earn about the meaning of Christmas and what love and kindness really feels like. As soon as I began to read the story and came across the animals I knew both Charlie and David would enjoy hearing the story being read on Christmas Eve for years to come.

If you were to ask me what Genera of book A Bellwether Christmas is I would say Middle Grade chapter book or Christian Children’s storybook. You will find the story is religious and spiritual, but the story doesn’t become preachy, people of all faiths or even no faith will enjoy will enjoy the story if they take the time to read it.

A Bellwether Christmas message share the story of God’s love and the importance of loving and respecting everyone, especially those “lower” on the social ladder. Which is where the animals come into the story as they should be loved as well.

A Bellwether Christmas can also be described as a historical tale, informative without being filled with dry facts. I enjoyed earning about these events and St. Francis through the animals makes the history “lesson” fun and unique. Charlie and I can use this book in our Homeschool as there is so much to learn through the story. I can even see Charlie sharing this book with the children he teaches.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to look through A Bellwether Christmas you should as soon as possible because the illustrations Courtney Skinner created based on the illustrations on medieval woodcuts, and the lines and colors are perfectly suited for the story. Charlie had fun recreating the pictures for our office. Here is a fun fact for you keep a tissue handy as you might shed a tear or two like I did and even though David wouldn’t admit it I bet he will as well and even Charlie might.

About the book:

In this warm, delightful Christmas tale, a 13th century lamb named Bart wants to know more about a mysterious man from the town of Assisi who talks to animals. Bart and his friends face challenges and danger, learn the meaning of love, honor, and sacrifice, and help start the tradition of the Christmas crèche we still enjoy today.

Meet the Author: Laurel Guillen (Author)

Laurel Guillen is a Cornell University graduate who began her career as a radio, then newspaper then television reporter. After marrying then ABC News Science Editor Dr. Michael Guillen, she became a freelance writer and editor and manager of two production companies. She helped produce the award-winning family film “Little Red Wagon.” Laurel also writes the popular “God and Gardening” blog on Facebook. The seeds for A Bellwether Christmas were planted when she took her grandmother on a trip to Italy and fell in love with St. Francis and the early Franciscans. She reads a book or two a week and enjoys taking care of several beloved farm animals. This is her first novel.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates