Why Are You Really Here?

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to share a Guest Post by Lisa Burnett Why Are You Really Here?

Some people believe that each of us has a single reason for incarnating this time and that we’re destined to be miserable until we find it. I think this is absurd. 

Can you have more than one reason for being here?

What exactly is the “reason” you’re here? Many see their purpose as a divine job description – entrepreneur, artist, healer – when it’s more important to recognize the gifts and talents you’ve accumulated over numerous lifetimes. These experiences provide us with a myriad of gifts to choose from.

The good news is that you’re free to use your many abilities in multiple ways. The fallacy that you have to fit the pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle to create one neat package (aka reason or purpose) is not realistic. Humans are curious creatures and it doesn’t honor our nature not to explore all the things that inspire us.

My friend, Marla, was very stressed about not being able to find her “one” reason for being here. After leaving a high-paying job, she’d started a business. It failed, and she’d recently come to believe her purpose was to help people with her newfound skills as a massage therapist. But business wasn’t booming this time either, and she had grown concerned.  

Her first career was in marketing and public relations and she was quite successful. In talking about it, we discovered the talents and skills she needed to climb to the top of the ladder all required her to be an excellent communicator. Although on the surface it appeared that massage was about touch, communication doesn’t always require words. 

As we dug deeper, we realized those skills were rooted in being a good listener. This was something she employed not only at work, but also as the aunt of three nieces. Where her sister could often be fragmented, juggling the responsibilities of contributing to the household finances and parenting, Marla was able to really listen to the girls.  

Marla was shocked when I pointed out motherhood may be one of the reasons she was here. Although it didn’t look traditional, the role she played with her nieces had strong mothering components. I reminded her that you don’t need to give birth to a child to fulfill your soul purpose as a mother. 

Spirituality was also an important part of Marla’s life and she’d explored numerous traditions, from Paganism and traditional Christianity to Sufism and Buddhism. She loved to talk about teachers like Joseph Campbell and Meister Eckhart. Our talk helped her to see that the conversations she had about these paths with massage clients, offered them resources and contributed to their healing.  

Through our work in the Akashic Records – a superconscious library of sorts that contains all the details (thoughts, feelings, experiences) from every lifetime you’ve lived – she discovered she’d lived many lives as a healer of one sort or another. It became clear to her that in this lifetime she came to use this skill to help heal trauma and emotional pain, which is essential for human evolution. 

How to discover why you’re really here.

You may already be living in a way that is aligned with the reasons you’re here and just don’t recognize it. Many of us wait for that bolt of lightning or prop our eyes open so we don’t miss the special message that reveals this mysterious secret. That’s not the way it happens. 

There are three environments in which we live our purpose – work, family and relationships. If you can’t imagine that your current job is already a part of the reason you’re here, I encourage you to examine your work from a different perspective. 

What you do for a living is nowhere near as important as you how you operate in any given situation. The question is, are you at the highest and best that you can be today? This includes your relationships as well. The way you’ll know that you are acting in a way that supports why you’re here is because you experience peace and contentment inside.

To go beneath the surface in your own life so you can see where you’re already living your all of the glorious reasons you’re here, make four columns on a piece of paper to create your own Reason I’m Here Map. Here’s a part of Marla’s:

WorkIntuitiveReikiSupporting others
Able to communicate with touchMassage therapistHelping others to heal
Skilled communicatorOffering relief from suffering
FamilyNurturerOrganizingMaking others happy
RelationshipsPeople feel safe with meGreat listenerSupporting others
I make others feel specialThoughtfulMaking others happy
Encourage reflection

Take a week or so to jot down thoughts as they come. When you’ve finished, look for the patterns. In Marla’s, communicator is obvious, as are supporting others and making people feel safe and special. The characteristics that overlap all three environments show you where you are already living the life you were meant to live.

Some people want to make the concept of living their soul purpose complex and hard to find, but the path is there if you look. Using the gifts that come to you naturally and easily are the foundation of why you’re here; to uncover and share them is an ongoing journey. Uncovering our intended paths, a step at a time, is the real reason we are all here. Enjoy the process!

Lisa Barnett is the international bestselling author of From Questioning to Knowing: 73 Prayers to Transform Your Life, and The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records.  

She is also the Founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom where she has taught thousands of students worldwide to access personal Soul wisdom and guidance to transform their life, working directly with their personal Akashic Record Keepers.

With more than twenty years of experience in spiritual healing, Lisa teaches these simple tools which empower individuals to find greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance, and health. Lisa helps you align with your soul path, understand your soul contracts, and complete your karma and vows. 

Please download Lisa’s Free Akashic Meditation

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates