Unique Holidays: December 17th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: December 17th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why you picked that Holiday.

Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Sojourner Jewelry

Electronic Greeting Card Day – always observed on November 17:

Who do you think created Electronic Greeting Card Day!?

Send free Ecards to everyone you know today because most people love to send and receive Ecards. Ecards are fun, and free. A great combination.

In exchange for the free cards, you may have to put up with a lot of pop-up ads which support the sites and make it possible for you to send and receive E-Cards cards for free. The ads are easily closed and deleted, a small price for all of the fun you and the recipient will have.

Hop on an electronic greeting card site and send a few animated cards today. Don’t just limit the fun to today. The online greeting card sites have cards for every day of the year.

 You may have to get the ball rolling and send out Ecards then, many of the recipients will send you one back.

How to Celebrate Electronic Greeting Card Day

  • Send a free Ecard now
  • Make plans to send ecards more frequently which are free.

Great American Smokeout  – third Thursday in November

Don’t you think it’s about time to give up the Cancer sticks!? Great American Smokeout Day is today. Let’s kick the habit. The goal of  Great American Smokeout Day is quite obvious: to get people to quit smoking. Resulting in fewer health problems. Fewer Cancer and Emphysema deaths resulting from smoking and secondary smoke.

Quitting smoking is not an easy task. As the child of ex-smokers, I know how hard it is to quit smoking. Sometimes, it takes repeated efforts. That’s okay, as long as you keep trying until you finally succeed. The health benefits and the prospect of a longer life are crystal clear.

The American Cancer Society encourages all smokers to give up the “butt” today. Join millions of other Americans today and take a big step to a happier, healthier, longer life.

How to Celebrate the Great American Smokeout

  • If you smoke use  Great American Smokeout Day to kick the habit.
  • Tactfully encourage others to quit smoking.
  • Support people who are currently trying to quit smoking.
  • Support the American Cancer Society.

How to Celebrate the Great American Smokeout

  • If you smoke use today to kick the habit.
  • Tactfully encourage others to quit.
  • Support people who are currently trying to quit smoking.
  • Support the American Cancer Society.

Homemade Bread Day– always observed on November 17th

Bakers of the world, rise up and bake Bread, for today which is Homemade Bread Day. On this holiday, you will enjoy the pleasant aroma of fresh homemade Bread wafting through the house. Then, you get the pleasure of consuming warm Bread, fresh out of the oven. I can almost smell the Bread baking now!

Bread has been made for thousands of years. Estimates date its origin back to 5000-10,000 B.C. Modern-day lifestyles have relegated homemade Bread to the world of specialty baking and holiday baking. People just don’t have time to bake homemade Bread. We turn to a quick “run” to bakeries or supermarkets, for our Bread needs. The arrival of the automatic Bread makers has created a small resurgence of homemade Breads, including specialty Breads.

The purpose of Homemade Bread Day is easy it’s to encourage you to make Bread. Take a little time out of your busy day, and bake Bread. Your nose, your taste buds, and your whole family will be glad you did.

Did you know Bread is a lot like the Sun. It rises in the Yeast and sets in the Waist.

How to Celebrate Homemade Bread Day

  • Bake any kind of homemade Bread today.
  • Serve the Bread with your favorite meal and enjoy!
  • Give a loaf of Homemade Bread to someone.

History and Origin of Homemade Bread Day

From our research, it appears that this Homemade Bread Day is sponsored by the Homemade Bread Day Committee of Montague, Mi. We did not find their website. We have yet to uncover more information about Homemade Bread Day.

Take A Hike Day– always observed on November 17th

Take a Hike Day is today. Walking, and hiking are excellent ways to exercise and get into shape. Hikes are distinguished from walks. Hiking is taken in Woods, Hills, Mountains, or somewhere else in a natural setting. Hikes not only give you exercise, but hikes also provide scenic sites and vistas, that are good for the relaxation of the mind and soul.

There is some reference to this as National Tell Your Boss to Take a Hike Day which likely evolved out of Take a Hike Day. We have found no factual information whatsoever, on this derivation of Take a Hike Day. We believe that telling your boss to “take a hike”, may not be healthy for your employment situation.

Some people have suggested that Take a Hike Day be used to tell someone to “take a hike”. We leave this use of this interpretation up to you.

Use Take a Hike Day to take a hike, alone or with others. Make it a goal to hike today and work off a little excess weight so you can put it right back on during Thanksgiving. You’ll be glad you did.

How to Celebrate Take a Hike Day

  • Pick a trail and take a hike and it doesn’t have to be a challenging hike. 
  • If you’re looking to hike through the Fall foliage, you will probably have to travel quite a distance. The leaves have already fallen through much of the U.S. Invite someone to join you on the Hike. It is always much more fun when you are with someone. You never know when the “buddy system” is needed. 

History and Origin of Take a Hike Day

We found no factual information on Take a Hike Day. Apparently, the creator has taken a hike. Then, he kept on walking without documenting Take a Hike Day.

World Peace Day– always observed on November 17th

World Peace Day encourages us to be kind to others and teach others to be Peaceful. This holiday pursues the goal of Peace everywhere. Throughout the history of the human race, long-lasting Peace has been elusive. But, it is possible, and we should never stop working towards this goal. 

The creator to this holiday, encourages us as individuals, to play a role in making the world a better place. The creator believes it starts with us. He suggests we teach our children and others, in ways to promote Peace and avoid war. He also invites us to write to our County’s leadership about our support for Peace and world harmony. Without Peace, the consequences are tragic.  

How to Celebrate World Peace Day

  • Please do your part to promote Peace on this Holiday. If we all act on this issue, we theoretically could make war and strife obsolete.
  • Support organizations that promote world Peace.

Related Holidays

Random Acts of Kindness Day

History and Origin of World Peace Day

World Peace Day appears to be a grassroots effort which was started by Don Morris of Miami Florida. World Peace Day started around 1997. You may also know Don as “Peaceguy”.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates