Food Holidays: November 15th, 2022


Welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: November 15th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why.

National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

The timing has never been riper to celebrate National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. This is the perfect opportunity to tackle that Science experiment that’s been growing way in the back, there. Of course, we’d all clean out our refrigerator far more often than once a year, but let’s be real: Making National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day an annual occasion provides everyone with the reassurance that at least the situation with your families long-forgotten “homemade Kombucha” will be rectified eventually. Marking today as a day on the national calendar giving you plenty of scope for getting aggressive in the preceding weeks.


New technology means new problems. Ever since the first household refrigerator hit the market, consumers became burdened with a new thing to deal with and keeping it clean.

From 1911 to 1922, the technological advances of home refrigerators and refrigeration technologies increased at the rate of speed rivaled only by smartphones. It wasn’t until 1927 when GE produced the “Monitor Top,” a reference to the ironclad Civil War-era ship, the USS Monitor. “Monitor Top,” alone sold over one million units.

It wasn’t until post-war America that separate freeze box units were created and used in addition to the typical refrigerator. Then, in the 1970s and 80s, further developments helped create a the combo model we usually see today.

Regardless of what kind of refrigerator they had over the years, everyone had the task of needing to clean there refrigerator out. Whether its the moldy Oranges, brown Bananas, or Milk you forgot about, cleaning a refrigerator is something that American’s over the past Century can relate to.

There’s no clear information about how the Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day came about. The general consensus is that Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day was started by the Whirlpool Corporation, and later became popular throughout the Country.

It is believed that the company intended for Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day to be celebrated on the third Wednesday of every month. The day took a life of its own. Later Whirlpool celebrated a Clean Out Your Refrigerator Week, but the date had gotten stuck.

Cleaning out the refrigerator is a big task. It’s only natural that people would push the chore aside. Having one day to do a big clean of the refrigerator is useful because it makes everyday cleaning easier.

Refrigerators are essential in the modern American household but are frequently ignored. Refrigerators store all our food, and that’s why it is essential that Refrigerators are cleaned regularly. If food is left to go bad in a refrigerator, the germs can spread and affect all the food stored in them.

A refrigerator that is too full also won’t work as efficiently and will use more electricity. Regularly throwing out food that has started to go bad or you’re not planning to eat goes a long way. Spills need to be cleaned up as they happen, and it’s a great time to check what you’ve stored away in the freezer section.

A cleaning session is a great opportunity to check how well your refrigerator is functioning. Or the refrigerator needs any servicing. With Clean Your Refrigerator Day right before the holidays, it’s the perfect opportunity to make sure that everything is ready for Thanksgiving!


  1. \Nobody likes to check for their Turkey and Swiss Cheese Sandwich at lunch time and find it’s been chucked out with the furry Pasta that was last touched last month. The trick to this part of celebrating National Clean Out Your Fridge Day is to give a series of increasingly escalating pieces of overwrought and deadly serious-sounding notice. You might print out a picture of a nuclear Mushroom cloud and fix it to the fridge, writing, “days to National Clean Out Your Fridge Day,” and count it down on a daily basis. Send an office-wide email, cc’ing your family. Or if it’s your roomies, send a series of group texts over the days before you CLEAN OUT YOUR FRIDGE.
  2. Cleaning out a refrigerator can be hard work, so go on and lend a helping hand to a friend or family member that can’t do there cleaning on there own.
  3. The chances are, if you’ve made a big enough deal out of it, that you might have roped in some help for cleaning out the fridge by the time the big day rolls around. Apparently cleaning your fridge requires things like “warm, soapy water” and “a sponge,” and unplugging the fridge if you’re planning to have the door open for a while. Then you don’t waste energy. Hopefully one of your friends or coworkers will be better with the details, after all, you’ve spent so much energy on the promotion it’s only right to share the work.


  1. It is believed that not filling or overfilling refrigerators make them use up more electricity.
  2. Did you know over 8 million refrigerators are sold in the Country every year.
  3. Until the 1950s, the majority of refrigerators were white.
  4. Only 8% of households had refrigerators in the 1930s when they were first introduced.
  5. About 10% of the total power usage in a household is because of the refrigerator.


  1. The number of adults sharing a household with a roommate has surged as rents have risen more quickly than incomes across America over recent years. 25% of adults now share with a roommate. The fridge is a major source of roommate tension, and cleaning the fridge out is great for our roommate relationships. Cleaning the fridge is good for your health. By diffusing tension, it lowers stress.
  2. A clean refrigerator is the best way to make sure no food ends up contaminated by the other.
  3. When your fridge is cluttered, it’s easy to forget you have a long-lasting sauce tucked away in the back there behind the stuff nobody wants to touch. So before you buy that second bottle of sriracha, check your own fridge! You’ll save money, time, and get what basically amounts to free condiments.

National Raisin Bran Cereal Day

Here are today’s five things to know about Raisin Bran Cereal:

Did you know “Skinner’s Raisin Bran” was the first Bran brand on the market, introduced in the  United States in 1926 by U.S. Mills.

During his incarceration, former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein preferred Raisin Bran Cereal for breakfast given by his American prison guards.

Did you know the first cold breakfast Cereal, Granula. Which was invented in the United States in 1863 by James Caleb Jackson, operator of Our Home on the Hillside which was later replaced by the Jackson Sanatorium in Dansville, New York.

Twenty-six percent of Americans snack on Cereal during the day; 61 percent of that group is women. Are you one of those women? Because I am not one of them.

Kellogg’s was the first company to advertise on the Times Square billboard in New York

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates