New Online Meditation and Wellness Coaching Service Provides Personalized Support

The Mommies Reviews

Calm Scholar connects people looking for guidance with experienced meditation coaches

The new online meditation and wellness coaching service Calm Scholar is providing people with personalized support to help them experience greater peace and well-being. The service connects clients with meditation guides who provide virtual, one-on-one meditation and wellness coaching. This unique approach ensures that each person receives the individualized attention they need to make lasting changes in their lives.

Meditation is an important part of many different cultures and religions, and its benefits are well-documented. Studies have shown that meditation can help to reduce stress levels, improve focus and concentration, and promote a healthier well-being. However, despite its many benefits, meditation can be difficult to learn without the proper guidance of an experienced teacher.

“Lots of people are interested in meditation and know it could help them, but they have no idea where to start. And once they begin, they may wonder if they are doing it right. Working with an expert meditation coach takes all of the guesswork out, making it easier to free your mind and start experiencing the benefits of meditation.” says Ben Palmer, co-founder.

This is where Calm Scholar comes in. They offer one-on-one sessions with experienced instructors who will help guide you and personalize your experience.

Calm Scholar was started by three friends who shared a common interest in meditation, self-exploration, and mental health. Meditation greatly improved their lives, and they wanted to share this important practice with others.

“Some people believe meditation is just sitting still, trying not to think – and that can be intimidating. But what most people find after working with us is that meditation can be so much more than that. Our coaches really take the time to get to know you, and offer recommendations and techniques that will be most helpful for you,” said co-founder Alex Evangelista. “That might mean taking one-minute mindfulness breaks throughout the day, doing breathing exercises, or something just for you.”

The company does not believe there is a “right way” to meditate or find inner peace. Calm Scholar allows each of their coaches to bring their own philosophy and teaching style, giving clients the ability to choose from a broad range of coaches and experiences.

Calm Scholar offers a 30-minute introductory session free of charge, so clients can be confident that they have found a coach who is right for them. During this session, participants have the opportunity to ask questions, get to know their coach, and experience a guided meditation. 

Sarjeet Dagar, a coach with Calm Scholar, says “It’s been a great journey working with Calm Scholar as a mindfulness coach. They have given me the freedom to keep a good balance between my way of working and what a client needs. I’m grateful to Calm Scholar for enhancing my confidence as a coach.”

Calm Scholar coaches have extensive experience working with clients who face a variety of challenges – such as depression, anxiety, addiction, illness, stress, overwhelm, grief, and more. All sessions are virtual and completed via video chat, so clients receive the support they need from the comfort of their own homes.

Alex adds, “We know our coaches well and are always looking to help clients get paired with a coach who will make a real difference in their life. Our coaches offer a lot more than just teaching you how to meditate. You may discover you need creative visualization, yoga, or something different – like energy healing, reiki, or even nutrition and holistic wellness. You have the freedom to explore and find what works best for you.”

To get started, schedule a free intro session at


Calm Scholar connects meditators with guides who provide virtual, one-on-one meditation and health and wellness coaching.

What Calm Scholar does is more than simply teach people how to meditate.

Calm Scholar’s personal guides take the time to get to know the meditator and why they are looking to meditate in the first place. Whether it is unaddressed trauma or grief, or a sense of disconnection that is causing someone to look to meditation for the answer, Calm Scholar will use meditation and mindfulness to bring healing and acceptance to the areas meditators need it most.

Calm Scholar knows that meditating on one’s own or with an app can sometimes be a struggle, so Calm Scholar seeks to give people the personal attention, support, and guidance they need.

Calm Scholar’s live, virtual, one-on-one meditation sessions offer a space for perspective-gaining dialogue and personal, guided meditations to help meditators feel better, explore their mind and spirituality, and open their hearts.