Thanksgiving Dinner

The Mommies Reviews

Lily and Jason have been in school for a couple years and I’ve want to have lunch with them at school but I’ve never had that opportunity. The first time I was going to go have lunch with Jason before Lily even started school Covid-19 hit.

Then this year I thought I would get to have lunch with them for Halloween and have there Halloween Stew but that didn’t happen either. Which wasn’t fair because I don’t about you but I love the Halloween Stew the schools serve.

The other day Debbie was able to get off early. Jason wanted someone to come and eat Thanksgiving Dinner with him and Lily. We walked up to the school and checked in. I was afraid they weren’t going to let us in.

Charlie didn’t have a ID which is why if your Homeschooling your students you might want to check into having a ID made. Not only that Charlie looks like a young man and they thought he was older than he was. Finally they let us enter and we got our badges.

We walked down the hall to see if we saw Lily but we didn’t. We went inside the Cafeteria and sat down. Then Lily is coming through the door after getting her lunch. I walk up and call her name and she was so surprised to see us.

Debbie went to purchase her lunch while Charlie and I visited with Lily. She told us all about her day and that she had been good all day. Then it was time for Jason’s class to come in. Jason walked by our table and saw Charlie and stopped in his tracks.

Jason couldn’t get back to the table fast enough to have lunch with Charlie. Before Jason sat down I asked him if he would go with Charlie or I to get my lunch. Jason said yes, come on Charlie. I went with them and all his friends kept asking if Charlie was his brother.

Jason and Charlie liked that a lot. The kids gave Charlie hugs on the way back to our table. We went to sit down and eat. Lunch was $4 without Pie and $6 with. Before you ask no, I didn’t get a piece of Pie because Debbie did for us all to share.

Before you ask no, I didn’t have any Pie. The lunch of Turkey, Dressing or Stuffing and Mashed Potatoes with a Roll and Cranberry Sauce filled me up. That Dressing/ Stuffing was so good. I just wish they had something other than Chocolate Milk to drink.

Lily’s lunch was over and she went back to class. Giving us time to visit with Jason by himself. Once lunch was over Charlie helped Jason take our trays up to the Window and we left. Charlie didn’t eat at the school so we have to run by Mc Donalds on our way home.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David cates