Food Holidays: November 13th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: November 12th, 2022. I don’t know about you but today is National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day. How does Pizza sound to you for dinner tonight? Which I will pass on as Charlie is always giving me Pizza and he and I are tired of it no, matter what might or might not be on the Pizza you order.

National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day

National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day is also known as National Pizza With Everything (Except Anchovies) Day. Did you know Pizza is the most eaten and best liked food item in the U.S. Each American eats about 46 Pizza slices a year. Anchovy is a small Fish that usually comes in a can. Pizza fans feel Anchovy does not go well with Pizza, since its flavor tends to overpower the more delicate ingredients used as toppings. Today you should bring out the Chef in you and top your personal Pizza with your favorites, minus Anchovy.


There is no factual origin of this Cod-less Pizza day. People continue to wonder about its origin, which does not mean HISTORY OF NATIONAL PIZZA WITH THE WORKS EXCEPT ANCHOVIES DAY cannot still be celebrated. In fact, if we go into the details of Pizza making its way to America, we can find that the first restaurant Pizza was made in New York City’s Little Italy in 1905.

Where does the idea of putting Fish ie Anchovies on the Pizza come from? If we go back in time and see what the Ancient Romans did, we would see that they used to put Fermented Fish on their flat Breads. Did you know the Greeks had a Pie which they called a “Pita”, which could have led to the word entering the Roman and later Italian vocabulary. The recipe stayed around the early days of Pizza, and Mozzarella was used as the Cheese of choice. As Pizza became more popular, and people added their own preferences, different ingredients were experimented with, and this is where Anchovies crept in as a topping.

Pizza has been described as the favorite meal of Americans. Especially since World War II. Since then, there have been different recipes and varieties of Pizza, with a wide array of toppings. There always has been a group of people who have ridiculed Pizza with Anchovies as topping choice. So much so that only 3 in every 1,000 people would admit to selecting Anchovy as a topping of choice. HISTORY OF NATIONAL PIZZA WITH THE WORKS EXCEPT ANCHOVIES DAY celebrates the mainstream taste regarding Pizza.


  1. Create and make Pizzas today. Or host a Pizza-making competition for family to share the creativity of each individual. Turn a blind eye to the one who might slip in Anchovies. Create public awareness by sharing photos of the Pizza making on Social Media.
  2. Make your Pizzas and share them with your local Senior Centre, group home. You could involve your family, or members of the community and make this holiday delicious for people who would not normally get the chance to eat Pizza.
  3. Clay Pizza ovens are all the rage in the natural building fraternity.Impress those around you and design and make your own Pizza Oven. That way, you have a talking point, while learning a new skill.


  1. In the times of ancient Greeks and Egyptians, Pizza was Flatbread seasoned with Cheese, Oil, and Herbs.
  2. Did you know there are over a million people working in the Pizza industry in the U.S., which generates $37 billion every year.
  3. In 2001, a six-inch Pizza was delivered to the International Space Station, where Yuri Usachov was the recipient.
  4. 0.003% of Americans select Anchovies as a topping of their choice on a Pizza.
  5. Anchovies shine in the Water because of their silvery scales and are easier to catch at night Fisherman say.


  1. Pizza is definitely America’s favorite meal. Roughly 100 acres of Pizza a day or about 350 slices per second, are consumed. So even a funny day that makes fun of a topping, in this case Anchovies, is part of what we celebrate daily.
  2. This day is about concentrating on the ‘works’ which point towards appreciating the toppings. Instead of an average Pizza, NATIONAL PIZZA WITH THE WORKS EXCEPT ANCHOVIES DAY celebrates the effort of selecting gorgeous, mouth-watering toppings and really savoring them.
  3. There are so few true blue Anchovy lovers that it may be a good idea to get them to celebrate this holiday with you. Without their Fishy love. Then do a turn-around and let them make you a Pizza with their favorite topping on it and give it a chance. You may love it and be hailed as a bridge builder across the topping divide in the Pizza world.

Five facts about Anchovies:

Anchovies are preyed upon by almost every predatory Fish in their environments.

Anchovies have teeth, described as “small and sharp,” in both the upper and lower jaws and their diet consists of Plankton and small fry of other Fish.

Did you know Saturday night is the most popular night to eat Pizza.

In Latin languages, such as Italian, the equivalent word for “Anchovy” is used to describe a particularly thin person who is all skin and bones.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates