Food Holidays: November 8th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: November 8th, 2022. Today is National Greek Yogurt Day which I will believe I will pass on. How about you. Would you like to celebrate National Greek Yogurt Day and if so how?

Welcome to our series featuring National Greek Yogurt Day – November 9th. Did you know today is National Greek Yogurt Day? Sounds like I need to go shopping and get Charlie and David there favorite Christmas Day. Should I pike up Yogurt you

National Greek Yogurt Day

The National Greek Yogurt Day is celebrated the 9th of November each year. The National Greek Yogurt Day gives recognition to Greek Yogurt. Everyone’s favorite healthy treat. Greek Yogurt is different from regular Yogurt because it is low-fat and high in calcium and protein. Yogurt also contains fewer carbs. Yogurt has a richer and creamier texture because Yogurt is strained, which means that it undergoes additional processes which reduces its lactose, Water, and mineral contents. If you are a big fan of Greek Yogurt, then you should not miss the celebration of this event.

About the National Greek Yogurt Day

During the National Greek Yogurt Day, people conduct various activities that let them achieve the objectives or purposes of the celebration. For one, people indulge themselves in plain Greek Yogurt. They purchase from the Supermarket. Other people make different kinds of recipes that make use of Greek Yogurt. People also shout out on Social Media how they are participating in the celebration of the event as they do for Montreal Greek Film Festival .

Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt

  1. Greek Yogurt contains Probiotics, which are good bacteria. These bacteria can help boost your immune system and will also help you alleviate abdominal distress including Diarrhea.
  2. Greek Yogurt also contains calcium, a mineral that plays a vital role in strengthening our bones. Other than that, calcium also aids in blood circulation, muscle movement, and the release of beneficial hormones. Our body is not capable of producing calcium. Hence, we must consume it from food.
  3. Greek Yogurt is also a rich source of protein, which can support the growth and maintenance of our muscles. It also aids different metabolic processes happening in our body every day.
  4. Greek Yogurt has Vitamin B12, which is essential to the formation of red blood cells. Greek Yogurt also functions in DNA synthesis and neurological processes. Some studies have shown that vitamin B12 can help prevent osteoporosis and improve heart health, boost energy, and improve mood.


With limited knowledge about the origins of Greek Yogurt, even less is known about the history of the National Greek Yogurt Day. We don’t know when, where, and how National Greek Yogurt Day. We also don’t have a clue as to who founded National Greek Yogurt Day. But still, we can make a good guess as to why such an event was established in the first place. Perhaps a person or a group of people thought that Greek Yogurt is much loved by the people. They must have then thought that it deserves a spot on the food holidays we celebrate.


As mentioned earlier, National Greek Yogurt Day is celebrated 9th of November each year. This means that the dates of celebration for National Greek Yogurt Day are as follows:

  • Saturday, October 9,
  • Sunday, October 9,
  • Monday, October 9, 2022
  • Tuesday, October 9, 2023
  • Thursday, October 9, 2024
  • Friday, October 9, 2025

Celebration Ideas and Activities

The following are the best things to do to make your celebration of the National Greek Yogurt Day as best as it can be:

Binge in Greek Yogurt

One great idea for your celebration of Celebration Ideas and Activities is to indulge yourself into eating delicious Greek Yogurt while you binge watch TV series or movies. It would be relaxing and fulfilling to do this at the end of the day while you sit or lie down in your couch or bed.

Make Some Greek Yogurt Recipes

Another good idea to celebrate National Greek Yogurt Day is to make Greek yogurt recipes. One example is Yogurt and Granola. It is very simple to make combine Greek Yogurt with Fruit and Granola. This will make for a tasty and nutritious treat. You can also make any Smoothie that contains Greek Yogurt. You can pick the flavor that you want.

Celebrate on Social Media

You can also take your celebration of this holiday on Social Media. You can, for instance, use the hashtag #NationalGreekYogurtDay to let your friends and followers know that you are also participating in the celebration of this holiday. Let them know that such a celebration takes place every year and also how happy you are enjoying your day as they do.

Here are your five food facts about Greek Yogurt:

It’s actually Turkish.

It happened on accident: primitive Milk storage created Yogurt.

Yogurt contains high amounts of Lactic Acid which is good for your skin!

It’s gaining in popularity: more than a third of the Yogurt carried by grocery stores is Greek Yogurt.

Yogurt contains “good bacteria” which promotes healthy digestion and supports your immune system!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates