Unique Holidays: November 5th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: November 5th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. With today being my Birthday and my head hurting as much as it has been hurting I am sure my Blood Pressure is up and it looks like today is the perfect day to check out my Blood Pressure. Do you need to check out your Blood Pressure as well?

Check Your Blood Pressure Day– always observed on November 4th

How’s your blood pressure? Do you have any idea? Could you be at risk for a heart attack or a stroke? The high-stress holidays are quickly approaching. Why not use Check Your Blood Pressure Day to find out what your blood pressure is today!! because your blood pressure will only go higher as the holidays approach.

For those of us who check out okay, we can charge into the holidays, knowing that we can handle whatever stresses the holidays bring. IF your blood pressure is a little high, or more than a little high, you’ve got time before Thanksgiving to check it out with your physician before the real stress begins.

Did you know Blood pressure tends to increase with age? This does not mean it is normal or okay. If your blood pressure is high, see your doctor.

For most of us, checking our blood pressure is easy and free If you already have a home monitor, just slap on the cuff and take a reading. If you don’t have a blood pressure monitor you will have to go to the doctors to have it checked. Although, drug stores or grocery store have kiosks located near the prescription area, where you can check your blood pressure for free. Many ambulance companies, especially the volunteers, will accept walk ins. Ps If its a volunteer ambulance company, why not make a donation while you’re there?

Low blood pressure, while uncommon, can also be dangerous or the symptom of a health problem.

How to Participate in Check Your Blood Pressure Day

  • Check your blood pressure.

History and Origin of Check Your Blood Pressure Day

Check Your Blood Pressure Day was created by Bob Matthews, of Rochester, NY. Check Your Blood Pressure Day was created in 2019. Check Your Blood Pressure Day was established in early November, to allow people to test their blood pressure, then if it is high, they can see their doctor before the stressful holiday period begins.

According to Matthews, “some people are working time bombs, and they don’t know it. If people use this day to check their blood pressure, they just might be saving their own life!”

King Tut Day– always observed on November 4th

King Tut Day, a November 4 holiday, celebrates the date of the discovery of Egyptian King Tutankhamun’s Tomb. Over 3,000 years ago, King Tutankhamun became the King of Egypt at the age of 9. King Tutankhamun died at the age of 19. King Tutankhamun is commonly called “King Tut”. The tomb of Egypt’s “child king” was discovered on November 4th, 1922. The tomb was discovered nearly intact in Egypt’s Valley of Kings.

King Tut’s rule lasted a short nine years, from 1333 B.C. to 1324 B.C. The cause of King Tutankhamun death is uncertain. Murder and an innocent accident are the two main theories.

How to Celebrate King Tut Day

  • Spend a little time with your nose in the Egyptian history books. Learn more about King Tut, along with the culture and times of Ancient Egypt.
  • Do an internet search for King Tutankhamun’s Tomb. The pictures are fascinating.

History and Origin of King Tut Day

We know this holiday celebrates the discovery of Egyptian King Tut’s tomb. We do not know who created King Tut Day, or the date it was first celebrated.

Use Your Common Sense Day– always observed on November 4th

It is important that you think before you act today. Because today is Use Your Common Sense Day. You can’t use common sense if you act without thinking. It only stands to reason, that a little common sense can avoid many problems and disasters.

There is a long history of failures and disasters because people simply failed to use good judgement and failed to think before they spoke or acted. Have you ever seen someone charge into a situation, acting like the proverbial ” bull in a China shop”? With a little common sense, this would not happen. That leads us to the old saying “you can lead a thirsty horse to water, but you can’t make him drink another example of common sense.

In today’s world of “fake news”, it is even more important to use your brain, think logically, and come to your own conclusions. You can’t believe everything you hear and read in the news and editorial media. Social Media outlets are filled with fake news. Uusing your brain to formulate your own thoughts and opinions only makes common sense, right!?

It is oh so easy to celebrate and participate in Use Your Common Sense Day. All you have to do is stop for a moment and use your head before proceeding with whatever you are going to say or do. It’s as easy as that.

How to Celebrate Use Your Common Sense Day

Common Sense Day is not a call to action. It is not encouraging to take a proactive role in anything. Rather, the essence of Common Sense Day is to encourage you to use your head.

  • First and foremost, use your head before you speak or act.
  • Formulate your own thoughts and opinions.
  • Don’t believe everything you on the news and on Social Media.

History and Origin of Use Your Common Sense Day

Bud Bilanich, a career mentor focusing on being the “common sense guy”, is credited with creating Common Sense Day. Bilanich believes strongly in the power of applied common sense which makes perfect sense to me. Bilianich selected this date, as it is Will Rogers’s birthday. A famous saying of Will Rogers was “Common sense ain’t that common.” ain’t that the truth!?

There is very little information on the creation of Use Your Common Sense Day which appears to have begun somewhere between 2010 – 2015.   

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates