Unique Holidays: October 31st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: October 31st, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for us you will find us outside celebrating Halloween handing out Candy to the Trick or Treaters who stop by this evening.

Carve a Pumpkin Day – no surprise here- always observed on October 31st

Carve a Pumpkin Day is today. If you don’t carve a Pumpkin by today, when will you get to carving a Pumpkin?

Today should be your last chance to carve a Pumpkin because Halloween is tonight. You’d better hurry. Pull out your carving patterns and get down to work. If you can’t find the patterns you have left over from last year, there’s no time to go to the store. They’re probably sold out, anyway. Carve a Pumpkin freehand. After it’s done, get your costume on and go trick or treating.

We believe Carve a Pumpkin Day is celebrated a little late. It is better held a few days before Halloween, or the weekend before. On the weekend, there’s time to host a Pumpkin carving party. You can roast Pumpkin Seeds, drink Hot Apple Cider and enjoy carving Pumpkins. If you decide to celebrate this holiday a little earlier than the 31st.

A Pumpkin is not a Jack O’ Lantern until it is carved.

How to Celebrate Carve a Pumpkin Day

Carve Pumpkins. Do this before it gets dark and the Trick or Treaters some out to haunt your neighborhood in search of candy.

History and Origin of Carve a Pumpkin Day

Our research did not find the creator or the origin of Carve A Pumpkin Day. Aside from Ecard companies and calendar websites, there is little reference to this holiday.

Wouldn’t Carve A Pumpkin Day be better if celebrated on October 31st? That way you can spend more time trick or treating. We won’t tell if you celebrate Carve A Pumpkin Day a few days early.


It’s absolutely Halloween, a whole season of Halloween celebration and fun. We believe Halloween is absolutely the best holiday of the year. Halloween is the favorite for many of us, as there is no stress, no overload, and no “Holiday Depression”. It’s just absolutely fun.

Kids beware! About 9 t of 10 parents admit to sneaking a treat from their kid’s treat bag.

Increase Your Psychic Powers Day– always observed on October 31st

Many of the October holidays center around Halloween and Pumpkin themes. There’s ample room on the October calendar for plenty of holidays and observances celebrating or commemorating other subjects and topics. Increase Your Psychic Powers Day, is an October 31st holiday. It is one of those holidays that you might predict should be celebrated this month.

 Do you have the potential to become a fortune teller? Let’s see how strong your psychic powers are.

I’m thinking of a number from one to ten. Okay, take a guess…….what number is it??

Nope, it’s ten. Sure, I fooled you. If you truly have psychic powers, you would know I was up to something. The reason for this little exercise is to show you that you need to improve upon your psychic powers. Today is “the” day to increase them.

I’m getting a reading in my mind that you will have a happy and fun-filled Increase Your Psychic Powers Day.

Ways to Improve Your Psychic Powers

Let’s examine how you can increase your psychic powers which there are several ways and, there is no shortage of psychics, groups, and websites to help you.

  • Set your crystal ball on a table in front of you. Concentrate very hard. Clear your mind of all other thoughts. Listen carefully for voices from the dead.
  • Get out the Ouija board and use the Ouija Board with family.
  •  Practice makes perfect. Get out a deck of cards. Shuffle them well. Think of what the top card is. Then, turn it over. Keep going.
  • Flip of the coin, too. Guess heads or tails while the coin is in the air. As your psychic power increases, you should guess correctly more than 50% of the time.
  • Hone your ESP skills. When the phone rings, guess who it will be. As you go through the day, guess what people are going to say, or what is going to happen next.

 Concentrating and clearing your mind of other thoughts, is essential to successfully developing your psychic powers.

History and Origin of Increase Your Psychic Powers Day

Increase Your Psychic Powers Day appears to have roots in England back to the Nineteenth Century. Some documentation and readings has it occurring on Halloween night. Other, references, has Psychic Powers Day on the 30th.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates