Unique Holidays: October 27th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: October 27th, 2022. Today is National Black Cat Day a perfect celebration with Halloween right around the corner. Although for David and my mom I believe they will pass on Black Cats. How about you?

Black Cat Day-always observed on October 27th

Did you realize it’s four days before Halloween. As the spooky holiday Halloween arrives, everything is scary and evil. Black Cats are very much an ominous symbol of the Halloween holiday. Therefore, it is only fitting we celebrate Black Cat Day today. Black Cats are a dark, evil symbol of Halloween. Witches and demons are known to be able to transform into a black Cat and back again whenever they desire. As Halloween nears, Witches and demons begin to increasingly appear, temporarily transforming at will into a Cat, as needed to escape or get near a human victim. Despite all these ominous superstitions, many people believe black Cats have the power to foresee prosperity, fortune, and luck

I would like to share a sad fact about Black Cas with you. They’re the least adopted Pet in the United States. I guess their reputation precedes black Cats.

Are black cats good …. or evil? The answer to this question depends upon where you live. In Celtic folklore, it was believed Black Cats turned into Fairies and back. Upon arrival to the New World, Pilgrims put a twist on this belief. Pilgrams believe Black Cats are evil and foreboding. They also believed black Cats was a Witch or a demon. Never let a black Cat cross your path because they will bring you bad luck. In Europe, black Cats were once burned alive. People caught harboring a black Cat, were severely punished. In Egypt, Great Britain, and Japan, people have just the opposite opinion of black Cats. People there, see black Cates as bringing good luck and a good omen.  

Black Cat Superstitions – Good and Bad

  • You shouldn’t let a black Cat cross your path because the black Cat will bring bad luck.
  • One white hair on a black Cat and it will bring you good luck.
  • Did you know black Cats protect Fishermen at Sea. 
  • A Cat in an empty cradle of newlyweds, and a baby will arrive soon.
  • At Halloween, Black Cats turn into Witches and demons.

Ways to Celebrate Black Cat Day

  • Its time to figure out if you believe black Cats are good or evil.
  • Never let a black Cat cross your path even if you think black Cats are good, why chance it!?
  • Buy a black Cat as a pet. If you do, then you believe black Cats are good luck for you.
  • Dress up your Cat for this occasion in a Halloween costume.

Looking for Halloween Fun!? Click Here!

History and Origin of Black Cat Day

Black Cat Day has been around for quite some time. Black Cat Day goes back well before the year 2,000. Unfortunately, our research was unable to identify when Black Cat Day first began. We also have yet to identify who created black Cat day, although the “why” seems apparent being near to Halloween.

An increasing number of internet sites are calling this “National” Black Cat Day which we are not sure why this “National” tag is sometimes being added to holidays lately, as there is no early, or even recent, reference to Black Cat Day being a national holiday.

We found no congressional or presidential proclamation making Black Cat Day a true national Holiday.

National Tell a Story Day – in Scotland and the U.K.– In United States: Always April 27th and in Scotland and England: National Tell a Story Day is October 27th

Tell a Story Day celebrates story-telling of all kinds. Tell a Story Day doesn’t matter if its fiction or non-fiction, a tall tale, or folk lore. Today is a day to tell ’em all. Stories can be from a book, other written material, or from memory.

Our research discovered two distinct holidays, one in the U.S. The other is in Scotland and the UK. The latter is by far more prominent and organized. These two holidays are exactly six months apart. 

Libraries celebrate this holiday with story telling hours for kids. You can enjoy today telling stories to your kids, family members, or organizations and groups that you belong to.  

Make Tell a Story Day an important and pleasure-filled experience. To enhance the enjoyment of the story, try setting the atmosphere. If it’s an eerie or spooky story, turn down the lights. Bring decorations and memorabilia that speak to the theme. If its about a person, display a picture of the individual.

History and Origin of “Tell a Story Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of Tell a Story Day. We do wonder why the British holiday and the U.S. holiday are exactly six months apart. We believe there is some kind of story here.

Navy Day– always observed on October 27th

Today is Navy Day, and it is in honor of the men and women who serve in the U.S Navy, the mightiest Naval force sailing the seven seas. Many of the October holidays center around Halloween and Pumpkin themes. There’s ample room on the October calendar for plenty of holidays and observances celebrating or commemorating other subjects and topics. Certainly, this holiday about Naval history is an important one. We believe this the month of October is a great time to honor our Sailors, both past and present.

Ahoy there, Sailor Navy Day is for you! Many Nations around the world celebrate their navies, with a holiday dedicated to them. Each Country selects a date relevant to its Navy, often the birth date of the Mavy.

In the United States, Navy Day is celebrated on October 27th. This date was selected as it was the birth date of President Theodore Roosevelt, an avid supporter of the U.S. Navy. In the 1970s, research determined that the birthday of the U.S. Continental Navy was October 13th, 1775. At the time, efforts were made to move Navy Day to this date. However, Navy Day in the United States is still largely recognized as October 27th.

On Navy Day, give a salute and well-deserved attention to your proud U.S. Navy, and to the Sailors who serve our Country.

How to Celebrate Navy Day

  • Let current and veteran Naval servicemen and women know you appreciate what they do. 
  • If you see Naval personnel today, buy them a cup of Coffee.
  • Watch a movie with a Naval them like “Pearl Harbor”?
  • Read about Naval history and Naval battles. 

History and Origin of Navy Day

The Navy League for the United States created the first Navy Day in 1922. Naval Day has been celebrated yearly ever since. Certainly, there is a rich Naval history to honor and appreciate.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates