Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Manly Man Co

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share our Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Manly Man Co who sent me Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet in exchange for this review and a spot in this years Christmas Gift Guide.

As women we expect men to bring us Flowers for Holiday Gifts or just because gifts. Can you believe I never thought of giving David flowers or even Charlie. Have you ever given the men in your lives flowers? If so what did the men think of the Flowers?

I wasn’t sure what Charlie or David would think of getting flowers although it might be fun to surprise them and see what they say. Until then I will be giving David Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet and if I am correct Charlie is going to want to know were his Bouquet is as well.

Instead of keeping Beef Jerky Flower Bouquet until Christmas because I wasn’t sure it would keep I let David open the Gift this morning. David was so surprised to find Jerky in the shape of flowers. David loved how it was packaged in plastic to keep the Jerky fresh.

David sat went and work Charlie up to try the Jerky. They had fun discussing the flowers and taking them apart. Charlie loved the taste and asked me to purchase a package for himself. David also liked the Jerky and took pictures of them to show his friends as work. David took some of the Jerky to work and all the staff loved it. They decided to order Gifts from Manly Man Co for there Boss for Christmas.

Manly Man Co

Each bouquet’s “vase” is a Manly Man pint glass and pre-arranged, sealed and packaged fresh with oxygen absorbers in a stylish branded box. Our custom package design allows the bouquet to be delivered fully assembled and easily slide out to provide the ultimate gifting experience.

  • 8 Stems or Full Dozen
  • Pint Glass “Vase” 
  • 4 Flavors: Original, Teriyaki, Hot, Mixed
  • Arrives Assembled
  • Slides Out of Custom Box

Veteran-Owned, Small Business Located in Sunny Southern California, Where Our Headquarters is Home to Our In-House: Customer Service, Order Fulfillment + Certified Kitchen.

Origin Story

The idea for the Manly Man Company® came to Greg Murray after a simple conversation with his wife Jacquie, for whom he had recently bought a bouquet of flowers: Why isn’t there a gift for men that’s equivalent to flowers? Yes, you can buy men flowers, but the practice isn’t what you might call commonplace.

The couple speculated that a bouquet of beef jerky might be the perfect stand-in. Soon after his wife surprised Greg with the very first iteration of what is now called “Man Bouquets”— sticks and sheets of jerky carved into the shape of flowers and roses that are presented inside a pint glass or beer mug “vase”.

If your looking for a way to make extra money and you or your friends of family love Beef Jerky then you should check out the Affiliate program here.

For Christmas I would like to get David Bacon, Beer & Whiskey MANcakes™ Kit and for Charlie I would like to get him The Supply Drop (6 lbs. Bulk Jerky) which is enough Jerky to keep Charlie in snacks for a while. Or for Charlie to share with his friends.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates