Food Holidays: October 2022: National Cookie Month

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: October 2022: National Cookie Month. I wish I had picked up the ingredients to prepare Cookies this morning. Although, I do have Peanut Butter but not enough for Cookies. Can you believe Charlie hasn’t ever had the opportunity to make Homemade Cookies. Now that he is taking Home Economics and a cooking class it’s time to get to baking Cookies. Would you like to join us?

National Cookie Month

National Cookie Month is celebrated in October to celebrate Cookies. Cookies are stocked in most homes, stores, Bakeries and everywhere Cookies exist except the internet Cookies, which are not edible. Every year for a month, we knead Dough and celebrate Cookies.

History of National Cookie Month

We are not quite clear on the history of National Cookie Month and its pioneers. Cookies are flat and round snacks made from a sweetened Dough or personalized recipe. Did you know the word ‘Cookie’ is linked to the Dutch word ‘Koekje,’ which refers to a small Cake.

In Medieval times, baking was an arduous profession that required years of experience and apprenticeship. Consequently, baking became more and more common among housewives and one was bound to be offered a tray of Biscuits accompanied with Tea or Coffee as a conversation starter or a silence filler.

Cookies have, over time, become a guilty pleasure for most. Cookies have evolved to become early morning breakfasts, desserts, and midnight munchies. The power Cookies have over us is undeniable. What’s more interesting is the simple method and ingredients needed to make Cookies.

National Cookie Month seeks to give us yet another opportunity to pop Dough in the oven and enjoy a little self-indulgent holiday. We promise to eat as many Cookies as we can and not question the history of a holiday as sweet as this.

National Cookie Month Activities

  1. Baking Cookies takes 30 minutes, if you aren’t experienced, you can try an easy recipe that does not take effort. Spice things up and try a new recipe each week during October.
  2. Nothing screams leisure than enjoying your home-baked or store-bought Cookies with a glass of Milk and your favorite T.V show.
  3. What is better than baking Cookies? Eating Cookies! Sharing Cookies! National Cookie Month is all about love and happiness, spreading that happiness with a tray of Cookies to the family, friends, and strangers.

5 Facts About Cookie Dough

  1. Cookies do not have to be flat and round, Cookies are made to fit any desired shape.
  2. Cookies do not need to be baked, Cookies only need to be molded and put aside to harden.
  3. Cookie Dough is scooped and served like Ice Cream in some restaurants.
  4. The Cookie community has Vegan and Gluten-free Cookie recipes to accommodate food diversity.
  5. Cookies receive recognition on “Sesame Street” due to the character Cookie Monster and Cookie Monsters love for Cookies.

Why People love National Cookie Month

  1. When people ask us why we are eating so many Cookies, we can easily hide behind National Cookie Month. Were law-abiding citizens after all and we celebrate all National Holidays.
  2. Food shared is happiness multiplied, no need for an extravagant dinner, a tray of Cookies and a jug of Milk will also get it done. For the month, take turns eating Cookies with your family.
  3. Baking has been proven to be therapeutic, and not all of us have the energy to take a walk to unwind or the luxury of a spa date. The activity of baking and the aroma that follows is quite calming.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates