Unique Holidays: October 2022: National Cookbook Month

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: October 2022: National Cookbook Month. It’s funny that this is National Cookbook Month. David’s mom has been giving Charlie her collection of Cookbooks which we’ve been going through and reviewing.

National Cookbook Month

National Cookbook Month is celebrated throughout October. You may be wondering, why would anyone need a cookbook when recipes are readily available on websites? It’s true but, digital recipes are not a go-to for many who prefer the traditional and permanence of a cookbook. The recipes are easy to navigate, and since they’ve been tried and tested by numerous professionals and editors, that’s a bonus. Pull out your family’s recipe file box and cookbooks, and let’s get cooking!

History of National Cookbook Month

The oldest recorded recipe in history dates back to Babylon in 1750 B.C. Four culinary tablets made from clay feature a recipe for Meat stew. The recipe was replicated by Chefs in 2018 at N.Y.U. The ingredients were Meat, smoked wood, Vinegar, and Herbs.

The first cookbook written in English was “The Forme Of Cury,” compiled by chefs of King Richard II in 1390. The format of cookbooks then was not the same as today. With different cooking methods and an absence of high-quality photographs. Countless words were also coined after first appearing in cookbooks, including supper or Soup.

In 1796, the first cookbook ever written by an American was “American Cookery” by Amelia Simmons. Despite the cookbook claiming that it “adapted to this Country and all grades of life,”. Cookbooks were not purchased by everyone. Still, the cookbook remained popular for the next 30 years and remains a fundamental part of American Culinary history.

Cookbooks expanded over multiple categories and specialized in different segments of Society. In 1876, the first cookbook for children was published featuring easy-to-prepare recipes.

Today, cookbooks are still a staple in many households and on the shelves of professional Chefs. Rich in history, easy to bookmark, and charmingly traditional, the beauty of a cookbook is timeless for those who appreciate books.

National Cookbook Month Activities

  1. Head over to the cookbooks aisle at your favorite book store and purchase a cookbook. Modern cookbooks will amaze you!
  2. Pull out an old cookbook that belonged to your mother or grandmother, and prepare a recipe. The older the better!
  3. Why stop at cookbooks? Go through your family’s recipe box or file, and spend time applying the tried and tested methods used by your family for preparing delicious meals.

5 Reasons Why Cookbooks Are Better Than Digital Recipes

  1. Jotting in the margins of a cookbook, recipe adjustments, and underlining is convenient.
  2. It’s okay to get your cookbook dirty because food splatters mark the cookbook as yours.
  3. Online recipes get lost in the digital clutter of ‘saved’ items, screenshots, and pop-up cookies. While Cookbooks are easy to navigate and those recipes don’t get lost.
  4. The stunning photography, and glossy finishes of cookbooks, and overall design feel special.
  5. Recipes in cookbooks are timeless.

Why PEOPLE Love National Cookbook Month

  1. Cookbooks are traditional and not everyone enjoys digital. Even if they do, it’s good to go offline once in a while and enjoy things as they should be, in their old-school form.
  2. Recipes get lost in the Sea of screenshots, saved items, and bookmarks. We love how we can just pull out a cookbook anytime we want.
  3. Print media is not as popular as it used to be but again, countless people love the look and feel of books and the fact that it is good to give our eyes a rest when it comes to reading!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates