Unique Holidays: October 1st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: October 1st, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie says we should celebrate International Coffee Day in Memory of my mom. Would you like to join us in a cup of Coffee?

International Coffee Day

October 1 is International Coffee Day, which as you know this holiday falls on the 1st of October 1. International Coffee Day celebrates one of the world’s favorite hot beverages, Coffee which is enjoyed and celebrated around the world. Call Coffee what you like: Coffee, Java, a cup of Joe, or dozens of other names people have for Coffee. Billions of people around the world drink billions of cups of Coffee daily.

Coffee Day and National Coffee Day – Up until now, these dates have varied widely across dozens or more Countries. International Coffee Day replaces these prior holidays.

If you can’t wake up and be alert without your first cup of Coffee I would like to let you know your not alone. It is estimated that 88.8 gallons of Coffee are consumed annually per capita. If you were to ask me about if I knew someone would drank that much Coffee I would say my mom and her family. How about you?

On a per capita consumption basis, you may be surprised to know the U.S. is not the top Coffee-drinking Country, and there not even close. Can you believe that? Depending upon what survey you read, the U.S. ranks between 22 -25. The top Coffee-consuming Country is Finland.

Origin of International Coffee Day n

At a meeting on March 3rd through the 7th, 2014, the International Coffee Organization (ICO) created International Coffee Day and established October 1st as the date to celebrate Coffee around the world. The first International Coffee Day was held on October 1st, 2015. This allows people and Countries around the world to celebrate Coffee on the same day.

How to Celebrate International Coffee Day

  • Enjoy a cup of Coffee
  • Celebrate Coffee with friends and family
  • Promote awareness of the economic importance of the Coffee crop and market.
  • Raise awareness of the plight of Coffee growers.
  • Purchase a cup of Coffee for someone.
  • e

The Law of Coffee. When you sit down to enjoy a cup of hot Coffee, our boss will come along and ask us to do something that will last until our Coffee is cold.

History and Origin of International Coffee Day

Coffee Day versus National Coffee Day versus International Coffee Day

Before 2015, Countries celebrated Coffee Day or National Coffee Day on varying dates. The U.S for example, celebrated National Coffee Day on September 29th, while Brazil held its National Coffee Day on May 24th. The creation of International Coffee Day replaces the myriad of “Coffee” days. People and Countries around the world can now celebrate together and savor Coffee on the same day. There are now 77 Countries around the world celebrating International Coffee Day on October 1st.

Coffee Day Origin

The roots of Coffee Day vary by Country. National Coffee Day was first mentioned in the U.S. in 2009, announcing the New Orleans Coffee Festival. Japan held a Coffee Day event in 1983. Even China, Tea lovers that they are, has a Coffee Day celebration that began in 1997.

An International Day for the Elderly

International Day for the Elderly, is a October 1st holiday Dedicated to honoring, respecting, and caring for the world’s elderly. Unfortunately, the Elderly are forgotten. The Elderly may need support in some way. Most of all, the Elderly just need a little of our time and attention. Give an elderly person that you know some of your time and care. Someday we hope to be included in this group!

In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1st as the International Day for the Elderly, also known as the “International Day for Older Persons”. The holiday is the result of the UN World Assembly on Aging. Formed in 1982, UN World Assembly seeks ways to explore and tend to the needs of the elderly in the world.

 Did you know. Now according to the United Nations, “one of every 10 persons is now 60 years or older. By the year 2050, one of five will be 60 years or older; by 2150, it will be one of three persons”.

How to Celebrate International Day for the Elderly

Looking for a new tradition for this holiday anything you do to help, or support the elderly, is a great way to Celebrate International Day for the Elderly

  • Visit someone in a nursing home.
  • Visit a elderly family member and see if they need anything.
  • Take a elderly person to lunch.
  • Tend to their needs.

History and Origin of International Day for the Elderly

In 1990, the UN General assembly declared October 1st International Day for the Elderly.

International Frugal Fun Day – first Saturday of the month

International Frugal Fun Day is today. With the way prices are constantly on the rise, being frugal is a way to make the family budget go a little further. As a matter of fact, being frugal is the only way many cash-strapped people can have fun. Now, it is your challenge to find fun things to do that don’t cost a penny.

On this holiday, it is perfectly okay to be a penny pincher, cheapskate, or a miser. Being thrifty is encouraged. This is a holiday to have fun “on the cheap. Look for activities that are free or cost very little money.  

How to Celebrate International Frugal Fun Day

  • Go on a bike or walking hike.
  • Have a picnic in your backyard.
  • Invite neighbors over for a garage party and dance.
  • Fly a kite.
  • Pull out board games or and invite your family to play.
  • Go window shopping just don’t spend any money.

This holiday was created by Shel Horowitz, author of The Penny-Pinching Hedonist: How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant’s Pocketbook. We suspect Frugal Fun Day was created, in part, to promote the book. Regardless of the reason for creating this holiday, we see nothing wrong with having a little inexpensive fun.  

We dug deeply into the origin of this holiday references refer to it as “International” Frugal Fun Day, and “National” Frugal Fun Day. However, we found no documentation supporting the International or National tags. 

National Homemade Cookies Day– always observed on October 1st

Let’s bake Homemade Cookies today, because it’s Homemade Cookies Day. Baking any kind of Cookie will do. Put on your apron and get baking. The more Cookies you make, the better. You get extra points if you are a mom. That’s because everybody knows that mom makes the best Cookies! Only in my home it was my grandmother. How about yours?

Making Cookies from scratch is certainly homemade. It’s the best way to celebrate National Homemade Cookies Day. If you use a box mix, it still qualifies as homemade but there is some disagreement, as to whether using pre-packaged store-bought Cookie dough, where you slice the Cookies and then bake them, is considered homemade.

Did you know it is okay to bake the Cookies the night before if you bring them to work or a party on National Homemade Cookie Day.

How to Celebrate National Homemade Cookies Day

  • Bake Cookies
  • Eat Homemade Cookeis.
  • Give some away to family and friends.

History and Origin of National Homemade Cookies Day

Our research did not find the creator or the origin of National Homemade Cookies Day. However, in our research, we discovered many interesting Cookie recipes were anxious to try.

Related Holidays

There are a lot of Holidays celebrating cookies, most notably:

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

World Card Making Day – first Saturday of the month

World Card Making Day is a special October holiday. World Card Making Day encourages everyone in the whole wide world, to make a homemade greeting card. I bet the card companies won’t like that! How many people are on your list? Make a greeting card for them. Then, mail the cards or give them out in person.

There are cards for just about every occasion and plenty of Ecard sites where you can prepare and send a card.But, nothing says “I care” more than a handmade card that you make right at home.

The card can be made of construction paper or the card can be made from a greeting card software package right from your computer. Use your own words to get a message across to the recipient. Decorate the card with pictures and images. I bet you will find making cards so much fun, that you will create more than one card.

When you make a homemade card today, don’t feel bad for the big card companies who make plenty of money off the cards you send the other 364 days of the year.

How to Celebrate World Card Making Day

  • Pull out the cardboard paper, pens, and crayons and create a homemade greeting card. 
  • If you are time-constrained today, it is okay to send an Ecard.

History and Origin of World Card Making Day

Our research did not find the creator or the origin of World Card Making Day which appears to have begun around 2010.

We believe the creator called it a “world” day, to encourage people around the world to make homemade cards.

Some online sites have this holiday listed on various dates in early October. Some internet sites do not do thorough research and fail to discover that this holiday is not a fixed date.

World Vegetarian Day

World Vegetarian Day is a holiday celebrated on October 1st. World Vegetariona Day encourages us all to eat our Vegetables and Fruits. Countless studies have proven that a diet filled with Fruits and Vegetables is good for our health. Vegetarians have taken this path either for their health, or from a conviction that they should not eat, and therefore, kill Animals.

A Vegetarian, by definition, eats no Meat. That includes Fish and other forms of Seafood. Bottom line is, a vegetarian eats no Animal. A Vegetarian’s diet consists of Plants, Fruits and Vegetables. Vegetarians are ethically and morally opposed to killing Animals for food.  Vegetarians are also against the poor treatment of Animals at farms and slaughterhouses.

There are plenty of groups and organizations that support this effort. If you are considering becoming a Vegetarian, a quick web search or a lookup in your local phone directory should produce a group near you. While you are online, check out the wide range of sites offering Vegetarian recipes.  

This holiday is used to promote awareness of the issues and encourages others to become Vegetarians. Fruits and Vegetables are very healthy for you, World Vegetarian Day is a good day to try a Vegetarian diet. You might just be surprised at how good Vegetarian Food tastes.

If you’re not quite ready to become a full-fledged Vegetarian, alter your diet in this direction but it might be easier to become a Vegetarian over a period of time, versus all at once. 

Vegetarian versus Vegan

People are often confused between the definition of a Vegetarian versus a Vegan. A Vegetarian does not eat the Meat or flesh of an Animal. This includes Seafood.  Vegans do not eat any part of an Animal or creature of the Sea. Therefore, a Vegetarian can eat things like Milk, Cheese, Eggs, and Caviar A Vegan cannot eat these items. As an example, a Vegan can’t eat a Cake made with Milk from a Cow. However, they can consume a Cake that is made with Soy Milk or Almond Milk.  

How to Celebrate World Vegetarian Day

  • Eat only Fruits and Vegetables today.
  • Treat all Animals with respect.
  • Support Animal rights organizations.
  •  Become a Vegetarian or move your diet in this direction.

History and Origin of World Vegetarian Day

World Vegetarian Day was first observed in 1977. One can easily speculate as to why this holiday was created. However, we have not yet identified the originator of this holiday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates