Top 10 Reasons Why Kids Can’t Read

The Mommies Reviews

Top 10 Reasons Why Kids Can’t Read


Many parents are concerned about their children’s reading ability. They may not be reading as much as they should, or they may not comprehend what they read.

This can be frustrating for parents who want their children to succeed. According to experts, here are the

10 Reasons Why Kids Can’t Read

1. Poor Phonemic Awareness

One of the main reasons why kids can’t read is because they have poor phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is the understanding that spoken language comprises individual sounds or phonemes.

If a child does not have a strong understanding of phonemes, they will struggle to sound out words when reading. Programs like the children learning reading can help build a strong base and improve phonemic awareness.

2. Lack of Vocabulary


Another reason why kids can’t read is that they lack vocabulary. A child’s vocabulary is like their toolbox; the more words they know, the better equipped they will be to understand what they read.

When kids encounter a word they don’t know, it can throw off their entire reading comprehension.

3. Poor Reading Fluency

Another common reason why kids can’t read is that they have poor reading fluency. Reading fluency is the ability to read smoothly and accurately.

If a child stumbles over words or misreads them, it will disrupt their comprehension and make it difficult for them to follow along with the text.

4. Limited Background Knowledge

Kids can’t read because they have limited background knowledge. Background knowledge is the information and experiences a reader brings to a text.

This includes knowing the difference between a butterfly and a moth or knowing who George Washington was. If kids don’t have sufficient background knowledge, they will have difficulty understanding what they read.

5. Difficult with Text Structure

Many kids struggle with text structure, which is how a text is organized. For example, some texts are organized chronologically, while others are organized by cause and effect.

If kids don’t understand the text structure, it will be difficult for them to follow along with the author’s argument or storyline.

6. Poor Comprehension Strategies

One of the biggest reasons kids can’t read is their lack of comprehension strategies. Comprehension strategies are specific techniques that readers use to understand texts better.

Some common comprehension strategies include rereading, looking up unknown words, and making predictions about what will happen next in the story. Without these strategies, kids will likely struggle to comprehend what they read fully.

7. Unfamiliarity with Technology

In today’s digital world, many kids are unfamiliar with technology when it comes time to sit down and read a book independently.

They may be used to having stories read aloud to them on an iPad or watching movies on Netflix instead of reading physical books quietly by themselves. This can make it difficult for them to adjust when asked to read independently for long periods without any screens involved

8. Distractions at Home

Many distractions at home can prevent kids from focusing when they sit down to read independently. These distractions could include having younger siblings running around or having pets needing attention.

While these distractions might seem harmless, they can make it very difficult for kids to focus on their reading

9. Lack of Motivation

One final reason why some kids may not enjoy reading as much as others do is that they lack motivation. Sometimes students may feel like reading isn’t worth their time since it doesn’t come naturally to them, Or maybe they’ve had negative experiences in the past, such as being ridiculed by classmates for struggling with reading.

Whatever the reason may be, lack of motivation can severely impact how much enjoyment students get out of reading both inside and outside of school

10. Inadequate Resources at School


While most schools have library books available for students, many lack adequate resources for teaching reading. Many schools nowadays use steps programs involving teachers using specific material,s and following particular methods.

While this approach may work for some students, not all learn best in this environment. If schools don’t have enough resources available or if resources are inadequate,e this could negatively impact how much students enjoy or excel in reading.


As you can see, there are many reasons why some children may struggle with reading. It’s important to remember that every child learns differently, so what works for one student might not work for another.

Working together is the best way to help your child improve their reading skills. With patience, practice, and guidance, your child will become a confident reader in no time!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates