Lunakai Methyl B12 Gummies

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for Lunakai Methyl B12 Gummies I received in exchange for this review.

I had heard people saying more and more you should take Vitamin B12. As well as get some for David to take as well. Finally when I was approved to work with Lunakai I picked out Lunakai Methyl B12 Gummies to see if it would help David and I out. Which I don’t know about David but I know this has helped me.

I seem to have more Energy with no harmful side effects. I even want to purchase a container of Lunakai Methyl B12 Gummies for Charlie even though they say there for adults because Charlie will be 15 soon. Which Charlie will take before school each morning. Being Gummies Charlie would just think its candy and not fight me when I ask him to take them.

I don’t care for Gummies of any kind but I’ve been taking Lunakai Methyl B12 Gummies without a problem. I like that there is no, aftertaste. I’ve I get a bottle of water in the morning and get the two Gummies and they go down so fast its like I haven’t even taken them.

Only having to take Lunakai Methyl B12 Gummies once a day is so easy. Even David has gotten to ask me where they are or he takes them to work and has them on his first break with Breakfast. These are Gluten-Free which is perfect for Charlie who has stomach issues.

My hair and nails are stronger and even my hair isn’t thinning as much as it was. My nails are longer and there not breaking or splitting like they did before I began taking Lunakai Methyl B12 Gummies. David has even cut back on the Energy drinks he purchases since he began taking the Vitamin B Gummies.

Which is a Godsend because David has a Heart condition and isn’t supposed to drink Energy Drinks. Being a man David does what he wants. No, matter how much it bother Charlie, David’s mom and myself. I hope you check out the Vitamin B Gummies as well as the rest of the Vitamins Lunkai carries.

Benefits of Vitamin B12 Gummies

  • Energy support
  • Improves mood
  • Helps prevent anemia
  • Improves brain function
  • Helps red blood cell formation
  • Supports nervous system health
  • Supports healthy hair, nails, and skin


Energy Boost With a Difference – Lunakai Methyl B12 Gummies for adults are made with NO Corn Syrup or other harmful sweeteners unlike other B-12 Vitamin Gummies on Amazon. We have less than 1g of natural and organic Sugars per serving. Only natural or Organic ingredients are used in our formulations to boost mood and maintain your body’s energy levels.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates