The Mommies Reviews

National Pepperoni Pizza Day– always observed on September 20th

Today is National Pepperoni Pizza Day, a holiday which falls on September 20th. Allowing us to celebrate America’s favorite variety of Pizza. Almost everybody loves Pizza which is so versatile. You can eat Pizza for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and as a late-night snack. Pizza can be eaten cold. Pizza is a very popular food for parties and events. 

You can put all sorts of Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, and Fish is Anchovies on Pizza. Although, today, is reserved for Pepperoni Pizza, the most popular variety.

Trivia on the Pizza:

  • Pepperoni is the most popular, preferred by 36% of people.
  • Over 3 Billion Pizzas are sold n the U.S. each year.
  • More pizzas are sold on Super Bowl Sunday, than any other day of the year.
  • Halloween is the second most popular day for eating Pizzas.  
  • Over 17% of restaurants are Pizzerias or serve Pizza.
  • The first Pizza was sold in Naples Italy in 1738.
  • Americans consume over 23 pounds of Pizza per year.

It is very easy to enjoy National Pizza Day. Order Pizza today. To enjoy National Pepperoni Day to the fullest, you need to prepare Homemade Pepperoni Pizza for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and as a snack.

How to Celebrate National Pepperoni Pizza Day

  • Make and eat a Pepperoni pizza.
  • Order Pepperoni Pizza from your favorite Pizza Parlor.
  • Order Pizza for delivery for a family member. Note:
  • Give away a Pizza Restaurant Gift Certificate to someone.
  • Host a Pizza party.

Other Pizza Days of the Year

Deep Dish Pizza Day

National Pizza Day

 National Cheese Pizza Day

History and Origin of National Pepperoni Pizza Day

We found absolutely no factual information about National Pepperoni Day but this holiday started in 2016.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

National Punch Day– always observed on September 20

National Punch Day, is a holiday that falls on September 20th which just might celebrate one of three things.  

What does National Punch Day celebrate?

  • Punch drink that comes from a bowl
  • The kind of punch that you dole out with your fists
  • Or a tool for punching a hole in paper

We don’t know the answer for certain, as we found no factual information on this holiday. Nor did we find the creator of this holiday, so we can’t ask him or her. That leaves everyone guessing as to the creator’s intent.The vast majority of references to this holiday suggest we are celebrating the drink called Punch. Which sounds like a whole lot more fun celebrating with Fruit or Spiked Punch.

How to Celebrate National Punch Day

Going on the belief that this holiday is all about delicious beverages in a Punch bowl, here are some suggestions on how to celebrate National Punch Day.

  • Look up and make a great Punch recipes with or without Alcohol to serve in the Punch bowl.
  • Purchase a Punch bowl to better enjoy the holiday.
  • Hold a party, centered around the theme of today Punch.

History and Origin of National Punch Day

We found absolutely no factual information about National Punch Day but we traced the holiday’s roots back to at least 2015.

Whenever we research a holiday like today and come up empty on the Author and reason for the day, we are amazed that the day has any presence on holiday calendars. But, National Punch Day is here today, so let’s celebrate.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” day. Nor, did we find any congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates