Encantos- The Storyteaching App Kids Will Love

The Mommies Reviews

Homeschooling can be fun but also hard at times. For me its hard to get Charlie to read the way he needs to. Which is why I was excited to find out Encantos Storyteaching App Kids Will Love which will read to Charlie so he can do other things.

Then once Charlie is finished listening to the stories I can either have him verbally relate what he leared of have him do a Book Report or write out facts from the story. Saving both Charlie and I time and using the app will be drama free.

Encantos– Stories to Learn By

Stories to Learn By

Today’s children need to think on their feet, be curious and creative, and connect with kids from backgrounds different from their own. To encourage those skills, we take enchanting stories from global storytellers and fuse them with curriculum-based learning. We meet kids where they are and inspire a life-long love of learning. And we call it storyteaching.

The Perfect Learning App for kids Age 8 and Under

New Fundamentals for a Fundamentally Changed World

Our world is different than the one in which our parents were raised and it will be different still for our kids. That’s why Encantos storyteaches new fundamentals like: Creativity and Critical Thinking Communication and Curiosity Language and Literacy and Adaptability and Compassion.

The Encantos app is FREE! 🎉 Download in the Apple App Store

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates