Unique Holidays: September 8th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: September 8th, 2022. I don’t know about you but I will celebrate anything to do with Reading or Books. Would you join me in celebrating International Literacy Day. Once you celebrate come back and let me know what type of celebration you held and why.

 International Literacy Day– always observed on September 8th

About International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day, a holiday that falls on September 8th, celebrating and promoting literacy all over the World. International Literacy Day was created by the United Nations. This holiday is promoted by the UN’s UNESCO. According to their website: “The aim is to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities, and societies.”

Literacy is a global issue, and hence the UN takes an active role in promoting literacy. They do recognize and celebrate that billions of people are literate. But, the UN goes further to promote literacy and seek improved literacy rates in every Country of the World.  

The worldwide literacy rate for men is 90%, and 83% for women.  While that number seems quite high, it means hundreds of millions of people can not read. In sub-Saharan Africa, the rate is only 64%. 

 If you are reading this, then you can and should celebrate International Literacy Day.

How to Celebrate International Literacy Day

Today is a great day to:

  • Help someone learn how to read.
  • Donate to programs that seek to improve literacy around the world.

History and Origin of International Literacy Day

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), established International Literacy Day as an annual event, The first celebration was on September 8th, 1965. International Literary Day is an annual event and is promoted around the world.

National Ampersand Day

Try hard to contain your excitement, today is National Ampersand Day. As you know, the Ampersand is a special character that represents and is an abbreviation for the word “and”. Every once in a while, a holiday comes along, and you say… What!? This holiday certainly causes one to stop and ask why and what for. Unfortunately, we can offer no logical explanation for the existence of National Ampersand Day. However, National Ampersand is today. Let’s do our best to enjoy the holiday. 

Regardless of why this holiday exists, it is here for your enjoyment. We hope you take full advantage and use the ampersand character as often as you can, and in creative ways.

The ampersand was once the last character in the alphabet. However, today you will not find any words with the ampersand character in it. 

How to Celebrate National Ampersand Day

  • Use the ampersand sign in all of your writing today online and off.
  • Encourage others to use the “&”, too.
  •  Change your password(s) to include the “&” sign.

History and Origin of National Ampersand Day

National Ampersand Day was created in 2015 by Chaz DeSimone, founder of Amper Art. we believe National Ampersand Day was created to promote his company. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation declaring this to be a true “National” day.

National Date Nut Bread Day – September 8th or December 22nd

National Date Nut Bread Day is today. Enjoy a tasty Bread for the holidays. Date Nut Bread is the perfect Bread for the Season. Date Nut Bread contains Nuts and Sugar, but is not heavy on the Sugar. Date Nut Bread is quite popular. You can make Date Nut Bread yourself, or purchase Date Nut Bread at the bakery. We suggest you purchase a couple of loafs of Date Nut Bread because in our house, a single loaf does not last long.

There is some question as to the correct date for National Date-Nut Bread. A survey of the net, resulted in roughly half of the references for this holiday claiming it is on September 8th. In our survey, a very slight majority record National Date-Nut Bread day on December 8th. We go with the majority for two reasons: First, it is the majority. Second, this day fits well in the holiday season. Date Nut Bread is popular for the holidays.

History and Origin of National Date Nut Bread Day:

We did not find any factual information on this national food holiday. Nor, did we find the creator. We hope the creator steps forward, so we can resolve the question as to proper date of National Date-Nut Bread Day.

There was some reference to this as a “National Day”. Most food related holidays are called “National”. However, we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation making this a “true” national holiday or observance.

Pardon Day– always observed on September 8th.

Pardon Day is today an opportunity to seek or offer forgiveness where needed. Today is also a day to say “Pardon Me” or Excuse Me” as appropriate. In today’s busy Society, too many people race about their lives, forgetting the small courtesies in life. Among the easiest things to let slip by, is etiquette and manners.

Use this holiday to reaffirm your manners. Say “Pardon Me” or “Excuse Me” as appropriate. People will like you more. Your mom will be so proud!

You can also use this holiday to seek pardon or forgiveness for mistakes and grievances you have committed. Take the opportunity to clean the slate and start anew.

Also, see Forgiveness Day which is celebrated in June, and has substantiated roots and history.

How to Celebrate Pardon Day

  • Pardon or forgive others.
  • Ask to be pardoned
  • Say “pardon me” required by good manners.

History and Origin of Pardon Day

The roots of this holiday go back to September 8th, 1974. On this holiday, newly installed President Gerald Ford issued a Presidential Proclamation pardoning President Richard M. Nixon of any wrongdoing related to the Watergate scandal.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates