Unique Holidays: September 5th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: September 5th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. I do know I will not be celebrating be late for something day because I hate being rude. Just as much as I hate people being late when I am meeting them. To me that is just rude. How do you feel about being late for a appointment and why?

Be Late for Something Day

Be Late For Something Day is a great day to be a procrastinator. If your among the millions of us who never seem to be able to stay on schedule, then you will certainly enjoy Be Late for Something Day!

Being late for something is a common occurrence. Be Late For Something Day can be caused by a whole host of reasons. Some are intentional, some are not. Fall behind schedule early in the day today, and you will be late for everything that follows. Doctors and lawyers are notoriously late for something including their appointment with you! Did you know it’s proper to be “fashionably late” for parties.

We hope you thoroughly enjoy and participate in this holiday. Whatever you do, don’t be late for dinner!

Things to Do on This Day

It is easy and natural to enjoy this holiday. All you have to do is be late for something which is easy for procrastinators. Which might be easy for you.

Here are some ideas and suggestions how to fully participate on this holiday:

  • Turn your alarm clock off when it rings and snooze a little longer.
  • Set your watch to be 10-15 minutes earlier than it really is.
  • Leave your watch home.
  • When you leave the house, leave something you need for the day at home. Then, you will have to go back and get it making you late for wherever you were going.

History and Origin of Be Late for Something Day

We found no factual information about this holiday but there are a number of procrastinator clubs and groups.  We suspect that one of them created this holiday, and is still thinking about documenting this holiday.

Cheese Pizza Day – always observed on September 5th

Cheese Pizza Day is a day to chow down with a couple of slices of Cheese Pizza. Pizza is a favorite of young and old. Originating from Italian cuisine, Pizza is a staple in the American diet. For many American families “Pizza night” is a Friday or Saturday routine. Pizza is also popular at parties. You can have a Cheese Pizza any way you want. There’s the thin or thick crust. Extra Cheese is the “norm” for many Cheese Pizza lovers.  

To celebrate Cheese Pizza Day, order a Cheese Pizza. Or, make a Homemade Cheese Pizza. If you decide you just have to add other toppings, it’s okay. We won’t tell.

How to Celebrate Cheese Pizza Pie Day

I’m sure you’re like most of us who just love to celebrate food holidays and, this holiday is a good one.

To celebrate this holiday, just eat Cheese Pizza today. You can do it in one of two ways:

  1. Buy the pizza 
  2. Make your own Cheese Pizza

Other Pizza Holidays

History and Origin of Cheese Pizza Day

We found no factual information about Cheese Pizza Day.

There was some reference to this as a “National Day”. However, we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation. Do you think Cheese Pizza Day should be a National Holiday!?

Labor Day First Monday of the month

Labor Day honors and celebrates the work and accomplishments of the American worker. Labor Day is also appropriately called the “Workingman’s Holiday”. Labor Day offers respect and appreciation for the work you do in or outside of the home, union or non-union, big company, small company, or government. As long as you work somewhere doing some job this holiday is for you!

The first Labor Day was held and celebrated in New York City on September 5, 1882. The Central Labor Union in New York City started Labor Day. In 1884, Labor Day was moved to the first Monday in September. Labor Day quickly became popular and one State after another voted for Labor Day as a holiday. On June 28th, 1894, the U.S. Congress voted Labor Day as a national holiday.

Labor Day is also viewed as the official end of Summer. Summer’s heat has already begun to wane. We have a couple of hours less sunlight than we did at the start of Summer. While the Fall Equinox is still a few weeks away, kids go back to school, and Summer vacations are over.

Did you know Canada, The United States, and Bermuda are the only Countries to celebrate Labor Day in September. All other Countries celebrate Labor Day in May.

Union-sponsored parades are common. Many people celebrate Labor Day weekend with one last picnic. It is also the date that many people close up the pool, and put away the boats.

History and Origin of Labor Day

Was it McGuire or Maguire? Either Peter McGuire or Matthew Maguire is the creator of Labor Day. Peter J. McGuire, was an active labor organizer. Peter J. McGuire was also general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor. Peter J. McGuire was the first to suggest a day dedicated to American workers and their accomplishments. The idea immediately became popular. Matthew Maguire however, was secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York in 1882 and many believed that Matthew Maguire proposed the holiday in 1882.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates