How To Choose The Best Pets For Kids

The Mommies Reviews

Choosing the best pets for kids can be a tough decision for the whole family. There are many animals that can make great pets for children, but some species are better choices than others. 

This guide will help new parents choose the best pet for their child based on their individual needs and lifestyle.

There are many different factors to consider when looking to bring a pet home.  From what kind of pet is best for your child’s personality to how much work you’re willing to put into taking care of the pet.  However, if you take the time to research and make a thoughtful decision, you’ll be sure to find the perfect furry (or scaly) friend for your child.

Let’s look at why pets are great for the family and which are the best pets for kids.

13 Benefits Of Kids Having Pets

There are many known benefits of kids spending time with pets, however, we have found some that you have probably never even thought of.  

1. Teaches Kids Responsibility – Caring for a pet is a big responsibility, and it’s one that kids can take on at any age.  From feeding and walking the dog to scooping the litter box, kids will learn how to take care of another living creature.

2. Provides Companionship – Pets are great companions for kids.  This is especially true if your child is shy or anxious.  Having a pet to cuddle or take on walks can help kids feel more comfortable and confident.  The best pets for kids allow them to grow and shine.

3. Boosts Self-esteem – When kids see their pets wagging their tails or purring with happiness, it’s a boost to their own self-esteem.  Knowing that they’re providing care and love to another creature can help kids feel good about themselves.

4. Best Pets For Kids Teach Empathy – Caring for a pet requires patience and understanding, 2 qualities that kids can learn from pets. Seeing how much happiness their pets bring them can also help kids be more compassionate towards others.

5. Provide Something To Look Forward To – Pets provide kids with something to look forward to each day.  Whether it’s a dog waiting to go on a walk or a kitten to snuggle with at night.  The best pets for kids can bring joy to even the busiest of days.

6. Teaches Nutrition – Pets need to eat a balanced diet just like humans do.  This means that kids can learn a lot about nutrition by helping to feed their pets.  They’ll learn which foods are good for pets and even those that are unhealthy or even dangerous.  An unwell animal or a visit to the vet will show them why it’s important to keep pets healthy.

7. Help Kids Stay Active – Pets need exercise just like people do, so taking them on walks or playing with them in the yard is a great way for kids to stay active.  When choosing the best pets for kids, take into account the size of the property and your child’s activity level.

8. Reduces Stress – Pets can be a great source of comfort and relaxation, especially during times of stress.  Stroking a dog or cat can help reduce anxiety and tension, and just spending time with a pet can be soothing.

9. Enjoy Nature With The Best Pets For Kids – Pets can help kids appreciate the world around them.  Watching a bird fly or a fish swim can be a magical experience and it can open their eyes to the beauty of nature.

10. Provide A Sense Of Security –  Pets can help kids feel safe and secure, especially if they’re going through a tough time.  Knowing that their pet is always there for them can be a source of strength and comfort for kids.  The best pets for kids don’t have to be cuddly or soft to provide security.

11. Shows How To Care – When kids have pets, they have something to care for and look after.  This can teach them the importance of considering others and being responsible for another living creature.

12. Introduces Death And Loss – Losing a pet is never easy, but it can be a valuable learning experience for kids. The best pets can teach kids about the cycle of life and death, and how to deal with loss.

13. Best Pets For Kids Will Inspire Creativity – Pets can be a great source of inspiration for kids.  Whether it’s coming up with new names or building a special house, pets can encourage kids to be more creative.

How To Choose The Best Pet For Your Kids?

Choosing the right pet for your child is an important decision. There is such a wide variety of pets to choose from, and each one has its own unique personality and needs.

Here are a few things to consider when choosing the best pets for your kids:

  • Age – There are pets that are better suited for older kids, while others are more suitable for younger ages. It’s important to choose a pet that your child will be able to handle based on their age and maturity level.
  • Activity Level – Some pets require a lot of exercise, while others are more low-key. Consider your child’s activity level when choosing the best pets for kids to get the right amount of exercise and playtime.
  • Space – Certain pets need a lot of space to run and play.  Others are content in a smaller area such as a fish bowl or tank.  Make sure you have enough room for the pet you’re considering before making a decision.
  • Time – Some pets need a lot of care and attention. If you’re not able to commit to a pet that needs a lot of time and energy, the best pets for kids are those that are less demanding.
  • Allergies – If your child has allergies, you’ll need to choose a pet that is hypoallergenic. There are many pets to choose from that fit these criteria, so you’re sure to find one that your child can enjoy.  
  • Family’s Lifestyle – Consider your family’s lifestyle when choosing a pet. With a busy household, a low-maintenance pet might be best. However, a more relaxed lifestyle will allow a pet that needs more attention and care.
  • Cost – Some pets are very expensive to care for, and even to buy.  Make sure you’re prepared to handle the financial commitment of owning a pet before making your decision.

The Best Pets For Kids To Play With And Love 

There are a variety of pets that kids can choose from, but some of the most popular include:

1. Dogs: Dogs are one of the most popular pets on the planet, but especially for kids. They’re friendly and playful and make great companions. Be sure to choose a breed that is right for your child’s age and activity level.

2. Cats: Cats are the second most popular choice for kids.  They’re independent, affectionate, and can be a great addition to any family.  As with dogs, choose a breed that is appropriate for your child’s personality.  There are even hypo-allergenic cat breeds available which can make them the best pets for kids with allergies.

3. Small animals: Hamsters and guinea pigs, are also popular pets for kids. They’re low-maintenance and easy to take care of. has a great article listing the best small pets for kids

4. Birds: Birds are a more unusual pet choice, but they can be a great addition to any family. They’re playful, entertaining, and can be very affectionate. 

5. Reptiles: Reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, are another unusual pet choice. They can be low-maintenance and easy to take care of, but they’re not for everyone. There are set-up costs also involved with reptiles such as tanks and heating lamps.

Teach Kids The Best Care For Pets

There are a few things you can do to help your child take care of their new pet properly:

  • Teach them how to feed, water, and exercise their new pet.
  • Show them how to clean up after their pet and keep its living area clean.
  • Help them create a schedule for taking care of their pet so that it becomes a part of their daily routine.
  • Take them to the vet regularly for check-ups and vaccinations.
  • Teach them how to properly groom their pet, if necessary.
  • Help them troubleshoot any problems that may arise with their pet.
  • Encourage them to bond with their new pet through playtime and affection.

Even The Best Pets For Kids May Get Overlooked

If your child loses interest in their new pet or is no longer able to care for it, there are a few things you can do:

Acknowledge Their Feelings – It’s important to acknowledge your child’s feelings when they lose interest in their pet. Let them know that it’s perfectly natural to feel this way and that you understand their concerns. This will help them feel supported and understood, which can be helpful in encouraging them to continue taking care of their pet.

Encourage Them To Spend Time With Their Pet – Even if your child is no longer as interested in their pet as they once were, it’s still important for them to spend time with the animal. This can help teach them responsibility and also create a strong bond between the child and the pet. Try setting some specific time aside each day for the two of them to spend together.  Show them how the best pets for kids always have something to give.

Help Them Find A New Hobby – If your child seems to be losing interest in their pet because they’re bored, try helping them find a new hobby. This could involve enrolling them in a new activity class, or simply suggesting different activities they can do at home to keep themselves entertained. Pets can be a great source of companionship, but it’s important for kids to have other interests outside of their pets as well.

Key Takeaways

Pets can provide many benefits for children, including companionship, love, and playtime. When choosing the best pet for kids, it’s important to consider the child’s age and activity level to ensure that the pet is a good fit.

There are a variety of pets to choose from, but some of the most popular include dogs, cats, small animals, birds, and reptiles.

It’s important to help your child take care of their new pet properly to ensure its health and well-being. This includes teaching them how to feed, water, and exercise the pet, as well as how to clean up after it and keep its living area clean.

If your child loses interest in their new pet or is no longer able to care for it, there are a few things you can do to help them. These include talking to them about why they’re no longer interested in their pet and helping them create a schedule for taking care of it. You can also take them to the vet regularly for check-ups and vaccinations.

Author: Sharwin Cacal

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates