Unique Holidays: August 22nd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: August 222nd, 2022. Would you check out the holidays being shared today and let me know if you plan on celebrating the holiday or not. Being happy be an Angel Day if I could celebrate this day by visiting the Angels I know in Heaven then you could bet your bottom dollar that I would be celebrating happy be an Angel Day all day long. I would be able to see my grandmother Dorie and my parents and more than that I would be able to see Suzzane and introduce her to Charlie.

Be an Angel Day

Happy Be An Angel Day is always observed on August 22nd.

Be an Angel Day encourages us to do acts of kindness, and to help others.

Happy Be An Angel Day has strong religious roots. Jayne Howard Feldman, the creator of this holiday, says she was inspired by Angels to create this holiday on August 22nd.

The objective of this holiday is to be like an Angel. We are to do something good or kind for someone. Happy Be An Angel Day encourages us to be God’s servant in doing good things for others. This holiday is intended to do something nice or kind for someone who is in need of help. The type of Angelic help you can offer is not defined or limited. It can be physical, emotional, or Spiritual.

Be an Angel Day is for both the giver and the receiver. If you are the receiver, make certain to express openly your appreciation. Recognize the Angel in your life as being sent from God.

The History and Origin of Be an Angel Day:

Happy Be An Angel Day was  first celebrated on August 22nd, 1993.

This holiday was created by Jayne Howard Feldman. According to Jayne Howard Feldman website, she was inspired by the Angels to be the founder of Be An Angel Day

This holiday was originally titled by the creator as “Be An Angel Day”.  Jayne Howard Felman continues to use this title for the holiday. In the past few years, a couple of websites erroneously referred to Happy Be An Angel Day as “National Be An Angel Day”.  

National Tooth Fairy Day – and/or February 28 and/or August 22

National Tooth Fairy Day celebrates one of childhood’s favorite visitors. The Tooth Fairy an American tradition with European and superstitious roots.

Losing baby teeth can be a traumatic experience for young children. Enter the world of the friendly, soothing Tooth Fairy. As a young child’s first baby tooth becomes lose, the child often fears losing it. The promise of a visit from the Tooth Fairy and a gift, turns the occasion into something to look forward to. When the tooth finally falls out, mom cleans it off. Then the tooth is often put into a “tooth box”. At bedtime, the child puts the tooth under there pillow. The tooth fairy comes after the child falls asleep. The Tooth Fairy takes the tooth and leaves a small gift, usually money. The tooth fairy leaves a gift every time the child loses a tooth.

 If the tooth is literally lost in some way, don’t worry. The Tooth Fairy always knows, and will still leave a gift. The Tooth Fairy magically knows each time a baby tooth falls out, and will arrive that night , even if the child is away at grandmas, or on vacation.

Did you know there is ongoing debate whether the Tooth Fairy is a male or a female. I’s pretty obvious. “The Tooth Fairy” is most definitely a female.

 The Tooth fairy delivers over $700 million dollars a year to children in the U.S., in exchange for a child’s baby teeth.

History and Origin of National Tooth Fairy Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of National Tooth Fairy Day. The tooth fairy dates back hundreds of years, probably to at least Medieval times. We were amazed that the tooth fairy was not found in the encyclopedia.

Is National Tooth Fairy Day February 28th, or August 22nd?  Documentation on websites is fairly evenly divided, with slightly more recording it on February 28th. Some very reputable and authoritative sites differ on the date. Until we find further documentation, or the creator of this holiday, feel free to celebrate it on either date or both!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates