Food Holidays: August 21st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: August 21st, 2022. I don’t know about you but I can’t remember a day when I haven’t had at least one glass of Sweet Tea. Before you ask even as a child we always had Sweet Tea in our home. To this day you will always find a gallon of Milo’s Sweet Tea in my Ice Box with a glass sitting close to me at all times. Are you like me and do you have to have Sweet Tea all day long? If so then you should join me in celebrating today which is National Sweet Tea Day.

National Sweet Tea Day

National Sweet Tea Day is celebrated 21st of August every year. This holiday gives dedication and honor to Sweet Tea. One of the most loved beverages of all time. Incase your wondering Sweet Tea is similar to Iced Tea.

About National Sweet Tea Day

During the National Sweet Tea Day, people conduct various activities that let them celebrate Sweet Tea. People make their own Sweet Tea. While others prefer to relax in a Tea Shop ordering a glass of Sweet Tea.


The oldest known recipe for Sweet Tea can be traced back to i1879. During the Second World War, the primary sources of Green Tea were cut off from the USA. They were left mostly with Tea from India, which produced Black Tea. India was colonized by Britain at that time.

With a little bit of knowledge about the origins of Sweet Tea, even less is known about the history of the National Sweet Tea Day. We don’t know when, where, and how it began. We also don’t have a clue as to who founded this holiday. But still, we can make a good guess as to why such an event was established in the first place. Perhaps a person or a group of people thought that Sweet Tea was so delicious and has become popular.


As mentioned earlier, National Sweet Tea Day is held on the 21st of August each year.

Celebration Ideas and Activities:

Make Your Own Sweet Tea

Of course, the best thing that you can do for this holiday is to make your own Sweet Tea. If your not sure how to prepare Sweet Tea you can look online for a recipe that will teach you how to prepare Sweet Tea. Remember you can add Lemon or Mint of other ingredients of your choice to flavor the Sweet Tea with.

Visit A Tea Shop

If you don’t have time to make your own Sweet Tea, visit a Tea Shop that offers Sweet Tea. If there is a café attached have a glass of Sweet Tea and celebrate the holiday.

Share on Social Media

You can also take your celebration of this holiday to Social Media using the hashtag #NationalSweetTeaDay to let your friends know that you are also participating in the celebration of this holiday. L

Sweet Tea Day Quotes

  • Unlike Water or Wine or even Coca-Cola, Sweet Tea means something and it is a tradition. Sweet Tea isn’t a drink, really. It’s the culture in a glass. Allison Glock
  • Where there’s Tea, there’s hope. – Arthur Wing Pinero

5 facts about Tea:

  1. Many say Iced Tea was ‘invented’ at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair when Ice was added to Hot Tea to cool down the visitors.
  2. Thomas Sullivan ‘accidentally’ invented the Teabag when he sent out Tea samples in small silk pouches to customers in 1904. The pouches proved much less messy than Raw Tea Leaves and the rest is history.
  3. Tea is believed to have arrived in Europe thanks to a Portuguese Jesuit Priest named Jasper de Cruz after visiting China in 1590
  4.  Did you know drinking Tea helps boost the immune system due to its natural antibacterial properties.
  5. Tea can also help regulate Cholesterol.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates