Unique Holidays: August 6th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: August 6th, 2022. If we were still in our home or on a Beach Charlie and I would have liked to celebrate Campfire Day. Since we can’t were going to celebrate Wiggle Your Toes Day. The Swimming Pool is closed but we can still celebrate our toes by getting a Pedicure. Would you like to join me?

Campfire Day  – First Saturday in August

Campfire day and night was created in 2017 by Bob Matthews of Rochester N.Y., and author of HolidayInsights.com In researching holidays for over a dozen years, Bob was simply amazed that no one had created a holiday to celebrate campfires.

Campfire Day IS NOT a “National” holiday.

The first Saturday in August is forever proclaimed to be Campfire Day and Night! Why, day and night, you might ask? It’s because a campfire can and should be enjoyed any time, during the day or night.

Most people start a campfire at or near dusk, to enjoy its warmth and light late into the evening. Or early morning hours. A campfire can be equally enjoyable, without the Mosquitos, during daylight hours. To enjoy  Campfire Day and Night, start your campfire around 4:00 in the afternoon. Keep the campfire going late into the evening.   

This is a special time to enjoy the relaxing peacefulness of a campfire with family. The campfire can be enjoyed in your backyard, at a camp out, by the shore, or just about anywhere that you can build a fire on the ground, or in a firepit. 

 Campfire Day is designated to be celebrated on the first Saturday in August for a couple of reasons. It is celebrated on a Saturday, as most people are off work, and don’t have to work the next day. People can stay up late to enjoy the fire. Early August was selected, as Sunset is already beginning to be earlier. Children in some States, will soon go back to school. We want the kids to enjoy and cherish the memories of a Summer campfire, too.

Enhance the Campfire Experience:

  • Don’t forget to cook dinner over the campfire making Hot Dogs or foil dinners.
  • If your wanting a dessert you should make Campfire Cooked Apples.
  • Roast Marshmallows and S’mores.
  • If you have children teach them how to build and manage fires safely.
  • Tell campfire stories which if you have access to the Internet you can find online.
  • Sing a few campfire songs and like above if you don’t know songs look them up on the Internet or print some out to bring outside with you.

History and Origin of Campfire Day:

Campfire Day was created in 2017 by Bob Matthews of Rochester N.Y. In researching holidays for over a dozen years, Bob was simply amazed that no one had created a holiday to celebrate campfires.

International Hangover Day – First Saturday in August

We all know what happens the morning after you’ve had too much to drink? You get a walloping hangover. It only makes sense that International Hangover Day is the day after International Beer Day.

You had a great time celebrating yesterday day I bet although lots of fun, is over, and International Hangover Day has painfully arrived. Bring out the Aspirin, Tomato Juice, and a bit of the “dog that bit you”.

The History and Origin of  International Hangover Day:

We researched this holiday deeply, but did not positively identify the creator. Were pretty sure we know who created International Hangover Day.

It is very clear that the Association of California Brewers created International Beer Day in 2007, in Santa Cruz, California. We also know that International Hangover Day was created shortly after, and is established as the day after International Beer Day.  Both days are called “international” days. We have our theory as to who created this holiday but what is your guess??

National Clown Day – Saturday during International Clown Week

International Clown Week: always August 1 – 7

National Clown Day: Saturday of International Clown Week

Both International Clown Week and National Clown Day were created to give recognition to Clowns that make us laugh and smile. It is estimated that there are over 10,00 Clowns in organized Clown groups, and over 20,000 Clowns world-wide. Clowns all have one goal in mind, to make us happy.

On this day, Clowns around the world do what they do best clown around, holding events at Shopping Malls, Nursing Homes, schools, and educational events.

Originally, this event was called “National Clown Week”. In 1991, the group Clowns of America renamed National Clown Week to “International Clown Week”, recognizing that there are many Clowns around the world, and this holiday should be a world-wide celebration.

You can celebrate just the day, or the whole week.

History and Origin of International Clown Week and National Clown Day:

International Clown Week: is always August 1st – 7th. National Clown Day: is the Saturday of International Clown Week. Both International Clown Week and National Clown Day were created to give recognition to Clowns that make us laugh and smile. It is estimated that there are over 10,00 Clowns in organized clown groups, and over 20,000 Clowns world-wide.

History and Origin of International Clown Week and National Clown Day: On October 8th, 1970 a joint resolution was passed in Congress (Public Law 91-443), authorizing and requesting the President of the United States to issue a proclamation making August 1st-7th, 1971 National Clown Week. On August 2, 1971 U.S. President Richard Nixon issued Proclamation 4071 , making August 1st-7th, 1971 National Clown Week.

While the proclamation and resolution  was made for a specific date and year, this celebration of Clowns has occurred at exactly the same time every year. It is always August 1st-7th. Note: Some sources incorrectly report   International Clown Week and/or National Clown Day in October. We believe this is because the Congressional resolution was made in October. But, the resolution clearly made it August of the following year (1971). It is uncertain how and when National Clown Day, came into being.

National Fresh Breath Day

Today is like a day of fresh air, because it’s National Fresh Breath Day. No Halitosis ie. bad breath here.

Both Men and Women have worried about bad breath for eons of time. The use of mouth freshening Herbs dates back to around 2,700 B.C. Whether on the dating scene, interviewing for a job, or for countless other reasons, most of us care about how our breath smells or doesn’t smell. If you don’t care about your breath, we can assure you that the people around you do. So, we turn to a variety of methods to freshen our breath, and keep our breath fresh all day and night long.

Here are some of the keys ways to avoid Halitosis:

  • Have routine dental exams by your dentist.
  • Have dental cleanings by a dental hygienist every six months.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Use mouth wash regularly.
  • Do not chew gums that contains sugar.
  • Use breath mints regularly.

50% of the bacteria in your mouth promotes bad breath.

This holiday is sometimes called Halitosis Day which is odd, as Halitosis is the technical term for bad breath, which is the opposite of fresh breath.

The History and Origin of National Fresh Breath Day:

Our research did not uncover the creator of this holiday, or when the holiday was created. Perhaps it was someone in the dental hygiene field. Or, maybe it was someone fresh off of a hot date, that ended too soon due to a bad case of Halitosis.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

National Mustard Day first Saturday

National Mustard Day celebrates the “King of the Condiments”.

Mustard is a must have for Hot Dogs, and Sandwiches. Mustard is an important ingredient in many recipes, too.

When it comes to condiments, Mustard is among the most popular. When it comes to longevity, Mustard is unrivaled. Mustard has literally been in use to spice up meals for thousands of years. To retain it’s status, Mustard has not stood still. Mustard has diversified and Mustard is not just yellow anymore. There’s a growing selection, including Honey Mustard, Bold and Spicy, and of course Dijon Mustard. Take a trip to your refrigerator, and you will  probably find two or three different types of Mustard. Visit the Supermarket for even more selections.

History and Origin of National Mustard Day:

This holiday was created by the National Mustard Museum in Mount Horeb, Wi. and was created as an annual event in 1991.

Also see

National Hot Dog Day

How to grow Mustard

Sandcastle Day – first Saturday of the month

What is it about building a Sandcastle that is so enjoyable? Sandcastle Day is a holiday for just about everyone. People young and old have been building Sandcastles for many Centuries. It doesn’t matter whether you’re young or old. Your skill level is irrelevant, as anyone can build a beautiful Sandcastle. For proof, just watch all the kids on the beach. This August holiday exists to have Summer fun as Sand, Water and Sunlight mixes together to create good memories of warm Summer days and cool beachside breezes. One might call this a “childhood memory”. However, the pleasant memories extend to teens, adults, moms and dads, along with grandparents and extended family. Certainly, building Sandcastles on Sandcastle Day, or any day for that matter, is a memory for everyone involved. 

The world record Sandcastle was constructed  on the Beach at the Seaside town of Blokhus, Denmark. Using over 4860 tons of Sand, Dutch artist Wilfred Stijger with the help of 30 other Sand sculptors, built a Sandcastle measuring 69 ft 5 inches tall. 

Building Sandcastles is an Artful Business

Beachside communities hold Sandcastle building competitions complete with prizes. Sandcastle building is often one of several activities at a beachside festival. These festivals usually includes arts and craft booths, food vendors, beachside games and activities. Building Sandcastles has evolved into an art form. Competitions are held all over the World, drawing both unknown and established artists to the beach to create their masterpieces. Nowadays, the Sandcastle creations are huge and require a team of artists, along with many tons of sand. Building a Sandcastle creation can take days to complete.

Sandcastle Trivia:

  • Sand is made of Silica, or Silicon Dioxide.
  • Sand is used to make glass, ceramics, concrete, countertops and other items. 
  • Did you know Sand is used to treat Snowy and Icy roads.
  • Sandy beaches are a variety of colors, including white, tan, pink, and black.
  • Since 1990 more people have died falling into holes in sand at the beach than by Sharks.
  • Sand sticks to your skin because it holds onto Water.

How to Celebrate Sandcastle Day

There’s two places to celebrate this holiday. You can make sandcastles in the sandbox right in your backyard. Although the amount of sand is limited. If you want to really get into the spirit of Sandcastle Day, pack up a picnic lunch and Ice cold beverages. Then, take the family to a sandy beach for the day. Pick an open space and get to work building the biggest Sandcastle on the beach.

 If you live in a Seaside town, petition your town government to hold a Sandcastle building competition on the beach. It’s fun for the whole town. The competition will also draw in  people from outside of the area, bringing much needed tourist business to your local economy.

The History and Origin of Sand Castle Day:

There is much information available about Sandcastles and Sandcastle building competitions. However, our research did not find the creator, or the origin of Sandcastle Day. Based upon what we found out, it is very likely this Sandcastle Day originated from one of the many “Sandcastle Day” competitions.

This holiday seems to have originated around 2015 or slightly before but there is not a lot of documentation about this holiday.

Wiggle Your Toes Day

Wiggle Your Toes Day encourages you to give your toes some exercise.

Those ten extremities at the ends of your feet, are crying out for a little freedom. Cramped up inside a pair of shoes or sneakers all day long, your stinky toes just don’t get the chance to move about freely, as they would like to do.

Celebrate Wiggle Your Toes Day by airing out your toes, and wiggling them around for all to see. The best place to wiggle your toes on a hot August day, is in the pool. Or, sit on a dock and stick your toes in the Water.

 Not all toes are alike. Like people, toes come in all shapes and sizes. There is a small percentage of the population who have two or more toes partially joined together creating web like toes!

The History and Origin of Wiggle Your Toes Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day which appears to have started in the early 2000’s.

There is not total agreement on the proper day to celebrate Wiggle Your Toes Day but the vast majority of websites record this holiday on August 6th. There are, however, some who suggest August 7th or the first Sunday in August. Without hearing from the creator of this holiday, we are going with the vast majority.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates