Food Holidays: August 2nd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: August 2nd, 2022. I don’t know about you but after the walk I went on this morning a Ice Cream Sandwich sure sounds good. Would you like to meet me at Dairy Queen for a Hamburger and a Ice Cream Sandwich. Before you say we could purchase Ice Cream Sandwiches at the Grocery Store your right. They just don’t taste as good.

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

  1. I have a question for you. Did you know the 30-44 age group buys the most Ice Cream Sandwiches.
  2. Ice Cream Sandwiches eaten per second nationally is 48.
  3. The Ice Cream Sandwich ranks as the second best-selling Ice Cream in America. Can you imgaine that?
  4. If all the Ice Cream Sandwiches made last year were placed end to end, these Ice Cream Sandwiches would circle the Earth 3 1/2 times.
  5. The Eastern Seaboard consumes almost 50 percent of all Ice Cream Sandwiches.

Celebrated every year on August 2, National Ice Cream Sandwich Day conjures up visions of our favorite Summer treat. A Ice Cream Sandwich is a so tasty. In our American version, take two rectangular or circular flat Cookies made of Chocolate or Oatmeal and match the Cookies with your favorite flavor of Ice Cream. Make the Cookies it into a neat little Sandwich. There’s nothing better than the taste of Sugary Ice Cold creaminess and Chocolate all together in one dessert!

Many Countries around the World have their own version of the Ice Cream Sandwich. In Vietnam, Street Vendors sell Ice Cream stuffed between two layers of Bread. In Iran, Pistachio or Rose-flavored Ice Cream is sandwiched between two thin Wafers. No matter how you stuff the Ice Cream, the good, old Yankee version of an Ice Cream Sandwich on National Ice Cream Sandwich Day is a must!


  1. If you have time today go online or purchase a Ice Cream Cookbook to get ideas for new Ice Cream Sandwich creations. Then head to your local grocery store to purchase the ingredients and get down to business. Always remember your Ice Cream Sandwich should be made with love!
  2. There’s nothing better than eating an Ice Cream Sandwich in an Ice Cream Shop. Some ice Cream Parlors have a black and white floors and brass handles as the fixtures. Relive your childhood by enjoying a Ice Cream Sandwich in a jewel of an old-fashioned Ice Cream Parlor and escape our high tech world for a little while.
  3. If you really want to make friends give them an Ice Cream Sandwich. .


  1. There are endless flavors of Ice Cream you don’t like Vanilla? If your like me and don’t care for Caramel or Sherbet don’t fret there’s an Ice Cream flavor out there that’s just right for you.
  2. When you’re sad, a nicely-made Ice Cream Sandwich will be there to brighten your day. Ice Cream is a great pick-me-up that can help you through major causes of sadness. Just watch your calories or you’ll be depressed all over again.
  3. During Summertime, you can cool off with a delicious Ice Cream Sandwich. In the Winter, pour Hot Fudge onto your Ice Cream Sandwich for the ultimate Ice Cream dessert.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates