I wanted to share more products from HoldOn who sent me Compostable Zipseal Gallon Bags and other products for this review.
In our home I have a drawer that holds all sizes of storage bags which Charlie or my niece and nephew can reach. Because in our home Storage Bags aren’t just used for food. The kids love going on Scavenger Hunts and they put there finds inside the bags and write there names on them. So there isn’t any fight over whose is whose.
We store game pieces inside the bags. Leftovers go in the bags. We’ve even put wet clothes into the bags for them to take home and wash. David has screws and bolts inside some of the bags. I use them with gardening. David says as much as we use the bags we should take out stock in them.
Now that I was able to try HoldOn, a sustainable household goods company that makes home compostable, nontoxic, plant-based products to help reduce pollution. These bags will be put up high so the kids can’t reach them because there are mine all mine.
They can use dollar store bags for anything they need. But in my kitchen when cooking and storing food you will only find Compostable Zipseal Gallon Bags because they are safer. The bags don’t tear no, matter how much I put into them. I can store hot or cold foods.
They don’t take up much room when storing them in the cabinet. The box is easy to open and get the bags out of. The size is perfect for families to store food in for Field Trips or Picnics. Charlie though he would tear the bag by overstuffing it and pulling on it. But Charlie found out there very strong and no, matter what Charlie did the bags didn’t tear. Saving us money and time as I didn’t have to replace them like the other bags I’ve used in the past.
Charlie has been learning about Plant-Based products in school and knowing these bags are Plant Based gives Charlie something new to study and bring to his class for Show and Tell. As I was putting together Charlie’s School Supply list both Charlie and David told me to make sure I included all the products HoldOn carries as Charlie can use them not only in his Homeschool Cooking Class but Auto Body and Gardening.
David even took the box I received over to show his mother. My step daughter Leslie was there and she said she wanted to order the Household Staples Set for her husbands Grandmother they live with as a Thank you, Gift. Because the Grandmother products that are compostable and plant based.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates