Unique Holidays: July 26th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: July 26th, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. For Charlie and I were going to celebrate all or nothing day and do nothing. Would you like to join us?

All or Nothing Day

I have a question for you. Did you know today is All or Nothing Day? How will your day go? Are you in, or are you out? Will you have it all. Or nothing at all? To participate in all or nothing day, you must be “all in”. If you select nothing, then by definition, you’ve chosen not to participate in this holiday.

How would one describe All or Nothing Day. First of all, it’s a day to make a decision. No procrastinating is allowed. Today is certainly a day of extremes. If you’re a gambler, it’s a day to go for broke. A little drastic day, perhaps but there’s definitely no grey area in how you spend this day.

We hope you have it all on All or Nothing Day, and every day.

The History and Origin of All or Nothing Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of all or nothing day.

They found no factual documentation on this holiday but, it certainly is a fun day.

Aunt and Uncle Day– this holiday is always held on July 26th.

Aunts and Uncles Day honors a very special pair of relatives. Your mom and dad’s brothers and sisters. We hope you have a lot of Aunts and Uncles because the more, you have the merrier.

Our Aunts and Uncles mean a lot to us and among other things, they are most likely:

  • The backup caretaker when mom and dad go out, or to work.
  • Real characters at family get-together’s.
  • Someone we can talk to and relate to because somethin we can’t or don’t want to talk about with “parental units”.
  • Aunts and Uncles give sound advice for the most part.
  • Aunts and Uncles takes you to fun places or events.
  • Aunts and Uncles are whose house is a great place to sleepover, especially if you have Cousins.
  • Aunts and Uncles are the ones who give you great presents for birthdays, Christmas and Holidays like Christmas.
  • The benefits of Aunts and Uncles goes on, and on.

Celebrate Aunt and Uncles Day by spending time with your Aunts and Uncles today if you can. If you can’t visit, call them on the phone or send them a Ecard.

World Tofu Day– always celebrated on July 26th.

UK National Tofu Day is always celebrated on September 1

The goal of both World Tofu Day and the UK’s National Tofu Day is to celebrate Tofu as a Vegetarian alternative to Meats or Fish. World Tofu Day celebrates healthy Tofu and encourages people to stop the cruelty to animals through a Vegetarian diet. Vegetarians and animal rights groups applaud Tofu, and promote Tofu consumption. A second goal of these two special holidays, is to spread awareness of the benefits of eating a plant based diet, especially as it impacts animals. SPA Canada an animal rights group and the creator of World Tofu Day, uses this holiday to strongly fight to end animal cruelty.

Asian in origin, the word “Tofu” in Mandarin translates to “spoiled beans”. Early Chinese knew that Tofu was healthy. They associated the consumption of Tofu with a long and healthy life. In addition, Tofu didn’t cost much, serving as an affordable option for those who didn’t have money for meats.

Tofu is a vegetable product made from Soybeans, that is rich in vitamins and protein. Tofu is a healthy and organic substitute to Meat or Fish, and is a staple of Vegetarians. Soft, bland, and custard-like, Tofu doesn’t have much flavor. Like Potatoes or Rice, it’s what you put on Tofu, that makes it so enjoyable.

There are several steps to making Tofu. The first steps, are to make Soy Milk. A second series of steps produces Tofu. You can have extra fun today, by making your own Tofu by searing online for a recipe.

The roots of Vegetarianism dates back to 600BC in ancient Greece. But, it wasn’t until the 10th Century that the Chinese perfected the process of making Tofu. There are references to Tofu being first created in Japan around the same time.

Whether you are celebrating World Tofu Day or National Tofu Day, Tofu should definitely be on your menu today. Recipes abound and are just an internet search away.

The History and Origin of World and National Tofu Day:

World Tofu Day was created by the Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) Canada in 2014. SPA Canada is an animal rights protection group that seeks to end Animal cruelty and encourage humans to practice plant based diets.

National Tofu Day was created in the United Kingdom and appears to have started around 2017-2018. We have not yet identified who created National Tofu Day but this holiday is beginning to gain popularity in the United States.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no UK parliamentary law or proclamation for this holiday and we also found no proclamation from the Queen or any member of the royal family.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates