Unique Holidays: July 18th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: July 18th, 2022. Would you take a look at the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for my family were going to sit both holiday out. As none of us want to try Caviar and even though I love Swimming I don’t want to go Scuba Diving because I can’t Swim that good even though I love being in the Pool and would love visiting a Ocean. Would you like to go on a Road Trip with me?

National Caviar Day

Something fishy is going on today which is National Caviar Day. What’s all the roe about this holiday!?

Caviar is salted Fish Eggs, or “Roe” which is considered a delicacy. Caviar is enjoyed by the upper class, and those of us who occasionally can afford a little Caviar. Russian Caviar is reputed to be the very best, most sought after of all Caviars. Did you know there’s Red Caviar and Black Caviar, along with other colors. Black is considered the best Caviar. If you haven’t tasted Caviar of any color perhaps you should do a taste test.

Did you know the most prestigious, and best Caviar comes from Sturgeon found in the Caspian Sea. But, other Fish, including Whitefish and Salmon, are less expensive alternatives.

The History and Origin of National Caviar Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday and we did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Women’s Dive Day– This holiday is observed on the third Saturday in July

Ladies, this holiday is for the adventuresome nature in you. Experience and get hooked on the beautiful underwater world of Scuba Diving. Today is Women’s Dive Day, a perfect time to take your first plunge. This holiday is a global celebration, with scuba diving events and activities around the world.

Women’s Dive Day was created to encourage women to get into the hobby of scuba diving. The goal is to celebrate the connection to each other and the Ocean, online and in person. This is a holiday to share the passion and adventure of the underwater world through scuba diving. There is so much to be seen below the surface of the Water which is a beautiful world.

The Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) created this holiday in 2015. In the first five years since its creation, there have been over 4,0000 events held on this holiday. In addition to exploring and taking in the beauty of the underwater Sea, many projects have been undertaken on this holiday. Including planting Coral, beach and underwater clean-up projects, educational programs and seminars, fundraisers for breast Cancer, and more activities.

Ladies, if you’ve never tried scuba diving before, now is the time to dive into scuba diving which you’ll be glad you tried out

The History and Origin of Women’s Dive Day:

This holiday was created in 2015 and it is sponsored by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). PADI is an international organization founded in 1996, with offices around the world.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates