Self-Care Essentials for Breastfeeding Moms

The Mommies Reviews

Self-Care Essentials for Breastfeeding Moms

Photo via Pexels

As a new mother, you’re likely spending all of your time and energy on your little one. After all, they rely on you for everything at this stage in their life. But it’s important to care for yourself as well. Try not to neglect your own well-being as you juggle the demands of parenting a newborn and the challenges of breastfeeding. In this article, Mommies Reviews offers some valuable self-care tips to help you maintain your health and mental wellbeing in the months ahead.

Hire Postpartum Support

Postpartum support can be incredibly valuable for breastfeeding moms. A doula will help you learn good nursing practices and ensure you’re comfortable throughout the process. Today’s Parent explains that postpartum doulas can also care for your other children so you can get some must-needed rest while your newborn is sleeping. And if you’re ever feeling uncertain about a breastfeeding issue, your doula will be there to provide advice and assistance.

Develop a Stress Relief Strategy

It’s normal to feel stressed from time to time, especially when you’re in the throes of a major life change like the birth of a newborn. Stress can affect breastfeeding in a number of ways. For example, Verywell Family explains that stress can decrease milk supply and cause problems with the let-down reflex. 

Make a plan to relieve stress so you can prevent it from getting in the way of your breastfeeding. The simple act of decluttering your home may be enough to reduce your overall stress levels. Remember, you can always hire someone to clean and organize your home if you’re pressed for time. Creating a peaceful and positive atmosphere at home will go a long way toward helping you feel calm.

Make a Plan to Juggle Your Other Children

Managing older children when you’re breastfeeding can be challenging. While you may not have a lot of spare time on your hands, make sure you give your other kids some care and attention as well. Consider having your other children help with some of the household chores so that you have more time to play with them or read a book before bedtime. And don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling to juggle all of your parenting responsibilities.

Order Flowers

When you’re a new mom, it can be easy to forget the simple things that make you happy. One of those things is ordering flowers. Just a few clicks on your computer or a quick stop at your local florist can put a smile on your face and brighten up your day. So next time you’re feeling down, don’t forget the power of flowers. A little bit of floral therapy can go a long way. Some online services like FruitFlowers flower delivery allow you to build your own bouquet or choose from curated options.

Eat a Variety of Healthy Foods

Did you know that mothers need more calories while breastfeeding? On top of this, a mother’s need for certain nutrients increases during breastfeeding. Your body will ensure that your breast milk contains all of the nutrients your baby needs, which might mean tapping into your own nutrient stores if your diet is lacking. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet will ensure you maintain your energy and long-term health. Get plenty of protein-rich foods, whole grains, whole vegetables, and healthy fats. 

Spend Your “Me Time” Exercising

Staying active while breastfeeding is important for helping with hormone regulation and mental wellbeing. When you manage to get some “me time”, try to spend it exercising. Just don’t go too hard too fast! Low-impact activities are great for postpartum moms. Start with short cardio activities like walking or swimming and increase by about 5 minutes every day until you reach your daily goal.

Find Time to Rest

It’s normal to lose some sleep as a new parent. If you’re waking up in the night to breastfeed, you’re probably feeling very tired by midday. Try to rest when you can, even if you’re not able to nap during the day. Finding a moment to sit down and relax can give you enough energy to make it through to bedtime. Most importantly, try to get to bed early so you can squeeze in as much sleep as possible. The chores can wait!

While breastfeeding is a magical experience, it can also be hard on your body and brain. Be sure to take care of yourself during these initial stages of parenthood by taking steps like eating healthy, prioritizing self-care, and even ordering yourself flowers every once in a while. Keeping your body well-fed, rested, and relaxed will make that challenging newborn phase so much easier.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates