Food Holidays: July 7th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

 Chocolate Day

Chocolate Day is always held on July 7th, although people may want to celebrate Chocolate Day everyday! Or at least I would like to.

Chocolate Day is the opportunity to eat you favorite chocolates in large portions. My question is do you really need another excuse to over indulge with Chocolate?

Chocolate is America’s favorite flavor and Chocolate is the flavor of choice in candies, Ice Cream, Cakes, and a whole host of foods. Unequaled in popularity, Chocolate certainly deserves a day in it’s honor.

 Chocolate is a Vegetable which comes from the Cacao Tree found in Tropical Rain Forests.

We don’t need to tell you what to do to celebrate this holiday, but if your not sure Eat Chocolate!

Let’s have Chocolate today:

Breakfast: Chocolate Cereal or Chocolate Cream-filled Donuts.

Mid-morning snack: Chocolate Candy Bar

Lunch: Chocolate Milk with a Sandwich and a piece of Chocolate Pie.

Mid-Afternoon: Chocolate Covered Nuts or Raisins as your snack .

 Dinner: Chocolate Liqueur before dinner for the adults. For the kids Chocolate Cake.

Nighttime snack: Chocolate Ice Cream

Also See: National Chocolate Day

History and Origin of Chocolate Day:

Our research did not uncover a specific date when this holiday began, Nor, did we uncover specifically who created the holiday. Without a doubt, you and I can guess who created this holiday Chocolate confectioners!

Global Forgiveness Day , also called “World” or “National”

Global Forgiveness Day is held on July 7th. It is also referred to as “World Forgiveness Day” or “National Forgiveness Day”.

International Forgiveness Day is held on the first Sunday of August

Forgiveness Day is a time to forgive and to be forgiven. Which would be a pretty good thing, because there are two major organizations in particular that lay claim to creating Forgiveness Day. If you dig deeply, you will discover that there are a number of other “Forgiveness” days, created by primarily Religious organizations, or organized groups promoting the concept of forgiveness. These holidays are World or international events. There’s enough trouble and strife in the world and the existence of multiple forgiveness days can only help to make the World and our life a little better. We agree with the creators of this holiday, that a little more forgiveness will help make the world a better place.

All of the holidays promoting forgiveness, have one thing in common: to forgive and forget wrongs. Put aside grudges and bury the hatchet. It’s time to end the feuds because life is too short to hold in pain and anxiety. Forgive people and you will find your life is calmer, and more peaceful. Forgiveness goes both ways. While much of the focus of these days encourages you to forgive others, it is also important to seek forgiveness to both God and others, for any wrong doings you’ve done.     

Global Forgiveness Day began in 1994 which was created and sponsored by the Christian Embassy of Christ’s Ambassadors. This holiday originated in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Depending upon a variety of sources, this holiday is sometimes called World Forgiveness Day and National Forgiveness Day.

International Forgiveness Day was created by the World Forgiveness Alliance, a non-denominational, educational foundation. According to their website: ” International Forgiveness Day is dedicated to evoking the healing power of forgiveness worldwide.” The founder is Robert W. Plath, from Mill Valley, California.

 Use today to clear your conscience and your soul and take a few moments to sincerely forgive someone and to ask forgiveness of others. If possible, make the apology public. That way forgiveness will spread.

Other Forgiveness Day Dates:

Many Organizations, or religious groups, have held “Forgiveness Days” on various dates during the year. Many of them are one-time or small, localized events.

Father Daughter Take a Walk Together Day

The relationship between a father and a daughter is a very special one. While dad is struggling to balance work and home life, little girls grow up all too quickly. (Dad’s would like to keep the little girls just the age they are right now!? This means the time spent together is very, special for a father and daughter. Grown up daughters are wrapped up in their own busy lives. That makes the limited time available to spend with dad even more precious. ,Father Daughter Take a Walk Together Day is a very special occasion.

If your a Father with a Daughter Take a Walk Together today and use the time to bond with each other or to renew bonds, and create new memories. Remember you don’t have to spend the entire day together to make a “memory to last a lifetime”. A walk will do. Spend that time talking about anything and everything. What you talk about, is nowhere near as important as just strolling along together, on a Summer day. Find things to laugh about, too which could be a Toad hops across the path in front of you. Share memories from years past.

Do You want to make it a perfect and most memorable Father Daughter Take a Walk Together Day? Plan your walk with a treat along the way.

History and Origin of Father Daughter Take a Walk Together  Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday but we did track Father Daughter Take a Walk Together Day down to at least 2009. From 2009 through 2016, the holiday was called Father Daughter Take a Walk Together Day. In 2017 some websites, apparently incorrectly, added the word “National” to the title.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

National Strawberry Sundae Day

 National Strawberry Sundae Day is our opportunity to indulge in a Strawberry Sundae. Strawberries are one of America’s favorite fruits. When Strawberries ripen each year, it’s time to celebrate. Did you know many communities hold Strawberry festivals to celebrate the harvest. At the festivals, Strawberries take center stage. Strawberries are the ingredients of hundreds of recipes.

After the harvest has come and gone, Summer arrives with heat and humidity. This is the perfect time to add sweet, tasty Strawberries to Ice Cream for a Summer treat. Don’t forget to add Whipped Cream. Chocoholics will love a Strawberry Sundae with a Chocolate Syrup topping.

More on Strawberries – facts, fun and how to grow

The History and Origin of National Strawberry Sundae Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday which we fully expected to see in June, when the Strawberry harvest is in full swing.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” day and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates