Unique Holidays: June 23rd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to welcome you to our series celebrating Unique Holidays: June 23rd, 2022. Would you take a look at the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. I think Charlie and I will celebrate National Pink Day in memory of Suzzane who loved pink and wanted everything she had to be a share of pink. Are you the same way?

International Widows Day

International Widows Day is a United Nations sponsored holiday. A day of action., encouraging Countries and organizations to strive to eliminate poverty and injustice suffered by millions of widows and their dependents around the World. We may not see it so much in the United States, but widows day is a serious problem most often seen in impoverished and developing Countries.

The UN resolution called upon “Member States, the United Nations system and other international and regional organizations, to give special attention to the situation of widows and their children.”

 According to a United Nations estimate, there are over 258 million Widows worldwide.

The History and Origin of International Widows Day:

On December 21, 2010, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution by unanimous acclimation, making June 23rd the annual holiday to celebrate International Widows Day.

Let it Go Day

Do you have something that’s bothering you which perhaps it’s been this way for a long time. Today is Let it Go Day, the perfect opportunity to shed your worries or concerns.

We’ve all got things that bug us, including regrets, and things we wish would just stop bothering us. Perhaps, you feel guilty about something you did or didn’t do. You could be holding on to a relationship that has ended, hoping the flame will be rekindled. Maybe, you’ve been hoping against hope for something specific to happen, even though you know it will never come to pass. At times, we’ve all had problems that eat away at us and make us feel bad.

Are you still saying to yourself “If only I had.” Whatever it is, simply cut it loose and let it go.

Today is the time to free yourself and shed those problems from your mind. Just let it go. Go ahead, give it a try. When you do, you will be relieved. You’ll find peace, and contentment. Tonight, you will sleep better than you have in a long, long time. 

The History and Origin of Let it Go Day:

This holiday was created in 2006 by Thomas and Ruth Roy the creators of dozens of quirky holidays and you can find them at Wellcat.com

There are a few references to this as a “National” holiday but according to the creators of this holiday, it is not a “National” holiday.

National Pink Day

It’s National Pink Day, a day where everything should be basking in pink splendor!

It’s National Pink Day which is a holiday especially for the ladies, because pink is a girl’s favorite color. Guys, you can participate in National Pink Day, too all you need to do is get in touch with your feminine side, and display a dash of pink. The girls will love you for it!

It’s easy to enjoy and to participate in National Pink Day just bring your pink Elephant out of hiding. Wear pink, and show off everything you have that’s pink, from clothing and shoes to other possessions. Be creative and use food coloring to prepare pink meals. Pink frosting on a Cake or Cookies will be a big hit today.

 Did you know giving a Pink rose has a specific meaning and it expresses thanks or appreciation and the pink Rose also implies gratitude and perfect happiness. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates