Unique Holidays: June 20th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 20th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for Charlie and I were going to study the Bald Eagle in our Homeschool while having a Ice Cream Soda. Would you like to join us?

Ice Cream Soda Day

Ice Cream Soda Day is a great Summer beverage to help us all cool off when its hot and muggy.

The flavor of Ice Cream Soda is your choice and any will do as long as its something you enjoy. Chocolate and Vanilla are the most popular flavors but, don’t let that sop you from being creative with the flavor of Ice Cream or Soda you try out today.

If you happened to notice, there are numerous “Ice Cream ” days this month but we think you will agree that the Ice Cream manufacturers have done a splendid great job of promoting tice Cream.

National Bald Eagle Day

American Eagle Day and National Bald Eagle Day are used interchangeably, as the holiday we celebrate the National Bird of the United States of America. As our National Bird, The Bald Eagle symbolizes freedom, strength, honesty, wisdom and power.

On this holiday in 1782, the Bald Eagle became our National Bird, an important national symbol. On this holiday, the Bald Eagle was added to the official seal of the United States. Did you know the Bald Eagle is portrayed holding 13 arrows in its left Talon, symbolizing the original 13 Colonies and in its right Talon, the Bald Eagle holds an Olive Branch, which is a symbol of piece.

Did you know our National Bird almost became the Turkey. The virtues of the Bald Eagle and the Turkey were hotly debated by Congress, prior to selecting the Bald Eagle as our National Bird. Can you imagine eating Bald Eagles instead of Turkey on Thanksgiving!? I can’t.

 National Bald Eagle Day is defined as a National “observance”, rather than a holiday and as a result, government offices, banks and business are open on this holiday.

The History and Origin of National Bald Eagle Day:

On January 28th,1982, then President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation in accordance with a joint resolution of Congress (S.J. Res 121) declaring June 20th, 1982 to be National Bald Eagle Day

In 1995, then president William Clinton proclaimed June 20th, 1995 as American Eagle Day.

While neither of these presidential proclamations made the observance an annual event, the American public has celebrated this holiday annually and this is a true tribute to the honor and respect we have for our stately and majestic Bald Eagle our National Bird.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates