Food Holidays: June 14th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Today I would like to share our series featuring Food Holidays: June 14th, 2022. Did you know it’s National Strawberry Shortcake Day. This holiday reminds me of my dads dad Rene as Strawberry Shortcake was his favorite dessert,. I wish he was here and Charlie and I would make both David and my grandpa a Strawberry Shortcake,

National Strawberry Shortcake Day

Every year National Strawberry Shortcake Day is celebrated on June 14th at the peak of the Strawberry season. Strawberries are found all year round nowadays but did you know this wasn’t always the case. Previously, Strawberries was only harvested in the Summer months. Even now, Strawberries that come in the Summer months are juicier and tastier. Strawberries are eaten in all sorts of ways during this time by slicing, dicing, mixing, and cutting Strawberries up and, at times, using Strawberries to make something flavorful like Strawberry Shortcake. Besides National Strawberry Shortcake Day, this dessert is also popularly enjoyed on July 4th or Independence Day.


Strawberry shortcake’s general history is not very well documented, however, the first known mention of Shortcake was in 1588, as that’s when a recipe for the dessert appeared in an English cookbook. 

In the mid-19th Century, Strawberry Shortcake was being served at various places, but in a Biscuit or a Fruit dessert sort of way. This Strawberry Shortcake was even served with Sweetened Cream or Butter on many occasions, just to amplify the taste. The dessert started gaining popularity all over the United States and soon people started organizing Strawberry Shortcake parties where they invited friends to come over for brunch or dinner around the peak of the Strawberry Summer Season.

Soon afterward, people started requesting a specific day during Summer to celebrate Strawberry Shortcake. Finally, the day of June 14th was declared as National Strawberry Shortcake Day in celebration of this recipe.


  1. On National Strawberry Shortcake Day, why not bake your own Strawberry Shortcake?
  2. If you’re baking a Strawberry Shortcake it’s not right to eat it all alone invite your friends for brunch and spend some quality time enjoying Strawberry Shortcake.
  3. =On National Strawberry Shortcake Day, go visit a Bakery and help them out, either by volunteering your time or simply by purchasing their delicious baked goods!


  1. In the true American sense, a Shortcake is basically a sweetened Biscuit which is crumbly and crispy due to the Baking Soda or Baking Powder used
  2. Flour, Butter, Eggs, Baking Powder or Baking Soda, lots of Sugar, a pinch of Salt, Milk, or Cream is the usual ingredients for baking a Shortcake.
  3. Strawberry is probably the only Fruit that has seeds on the outside and not inside.
  4. Each year, almost 1.8 pounds of frozen Strawberries are eaten by Americans.
  5. The Pasadena Strawberry Festival presented the world’s largest Strawberry Shortcake back in 2012 which was made with 280 pounds of Whipped Cream Icing and also used as much as 3,200 pounds of Strawberries.


  1. No one needs an excuse to eat Cake, right? Although, National Strawberry Shortcake Day gives us a legitimate reason to indulge in as much Cake as we want.
  2. On National Strawberry Shortcake Day, when you’re baking a Cake at home, the best way is to enjoy it with family. At the peak of Summer, it’s a good time to take a break and spend some quality time together.
  3. National Strawberry Shortcake Day is a perfect opportunity to help local Strawberry farmers or local in-house bakers. This holiday gives everyone a chance to help these small businesses make some sales.

Facts About Shortcakes

  1. Did you know Shortcake is a sweet Biscuit in the American sense: that is, a crumbly, Baking Soda- or Baking Powder-leavened Bread.
  2. Shortcake is typically made using Flour, Sugar, Baking Powder or Soda, Salt, Butter, Milk or Cream, and sometimes Eggs.
  3. Did you know the most famous dessert made with Shortcake is Strawberry Shortcake.
  4. Though today’s Shortcakes are usually of the Biscuit or Sponge-Cake variety, earlier American recipes called for Pie Crust in rounds or broken-up pieces, which was a variety still being enjoyed in the 20th Century, particularly in the South.
  5. Though Strawberry is the most widely known Shortcake dessert, Peach Shortcake, Blueberry Shortcake, Chocolate Shortcake and other similar desserts are made along similar lines. It is also common to see recipes where Shortcake itself is flavored; with Coconut. The term “Shortcake” often refers to Shortbread in the UK.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates