Unique Holidays: June 14th, 2022: National Flag Day

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I would like to invite you to check out our series featuring Unique Holidays: June 14th, 2022: National Flag Day. I would like to know how you plan on celebrating National Flag Day because it doesn’t look like Charlie and I will be able to celebrate because David is working.

National Flag Week – the Week of Flag Day falls on June 14th.

  • Flag Day is always June 14th.
  • National Flag Week is the week that Flag Day falls on.

Flag Day, is a holiday for all Americans to celebrate showing respect for our flag. The designers and makers of our flag. The flag represents the United States of America and its Citizens. Our Country is the greatest Country in the world. You should pause today, to recognize our Country and our great citizens over the ages. The flag represents our independence and our unity as a nation. One nation, under God, indivisible. Our flag has a proud and glorious history. The flag was at the lead of every battle fought by Americans. Many people have died protecting the flag which even stands proudly on the surface of the moon.

The American Flag is referred to by other names, including:

  • Old Glory
  • Stars and Stripes
  • The Red, White and Blue

As Americans, we have every right to be proud of our Culture, our Nation, and most of all our flag. Raise the flag not only today but every day with pride! 

Properly Display Our Flag

Care and handling of the American flag is steeped in tradition and respect. There is a right way and a wrong way to display the flag which is called Flag Etiquette. The American flag should be held in the highest of regards because our flag represents our Nation and the many people who gave their lives for our Country and our flag. Here are the basics on displaying  the American flag:

  • The flag is normally flown from Sunrise to Sunset.
  • In the morning, raise the flag briskly and at sunset, lower the flag slowly. Always, raise and lower the flag ceremoniously.
  • The flag should not be flown at night without a light on it.
  • The flag should not be flown in the rain or inclement weather.
  • After a tragedy or death, the flag is flown at half staff for 30 days and it’s called “half staff” on land ,and “half mast” on a ship.
  • When flown vertically on a pole, the stars and blue field , or “union”, is at the top and at the end of the pole away from your house.
  • The American flag is always flown at the top of the pole and your state flag and other flags fly below it.
  • The Union is always on top and when displayed in print, the Stars and blue field are always on the left.
  • Never let a flag touch the ground, never.
  • Fold your flag when storing. Don’t just stuff a flag in a drawer or box.
  • When your flag is old and has seen  better days, it is time to retire the flag. Old flags should be burned or buried. Please do not throw the flag in the trash.

Origin of Flag Day

In 1775, the first American flag, called the Continental Colors, was created for our fledgling Country. But, this flag looked too similar to the British flag. So, on June 14th, 1777, the Second Continental Congress passed a resolution that “the flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternating red and white,” and that “the Union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.

It wasn’t until 1916, that President Woodrow Wilson issued an official decree making June 14th Flag Day. However, some say the original Flag Day occurred in Wisconsin in 1885, and that Bernard J. Cigrand, a school teacher, began the practice of celebrating the flag’s birthday. Bernard J. Cigrand assigned his class to write essays about the flag and its significance.

 There is a very special ceremony for retiring the flag by burning it and the flag burning is a ceremony everyone should see. Your local Boy Scout group knows the proper ceremony and performs it on a regular basis. If you have an old flag, give it to the Boys Scouts and if you can you should attend the ceremony.

Related Holiday:

National Anthem Day 

American Flag Facts and Trivia

Famous Flag People:

Betsy Ross was a seamstress who made clothes for George Washington and Betsy Ross also made tents, uniforms and flags for the Continental Army. According to folklore, in May, 1776, George Washington, In June, 1776, Washington, Robert Morris and George Ross, members of a committee of the Continental Congress approached Betsy Ross to make the Country’s first flag.

Washington provided Betsy Ross with a rough design, which included a six pointed star. Ross demonstrated the ease of making a five pointed star with a single snip of the scissors. George Washington approved the five pointed star. Betsy finished making the American flag in early June, 1776. While this has been referred to as the first American flag, it actually wasn’t. The first flag, called the “Continental Colors” was flown in 1775. But, it looked too much like the British flag.

Francis Scott Key Inspired by the British bombardment of Fort McHenry, penned the lyrics to our National Anthem as he witnessed the event as British rockets whizzed in the air while our American Flag flew in the breeze. Francis Scott Key wrote the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner” on the back on an envelope.

History and Origin of Flag Day

A Presidential proclamation has been issued annually for Flag Day since 1941 and it proclaims Flag Day. A Presidential proclamation has announced National Flag Week ever since 1966.

 If you like to study flags, then you are a Vexillologist!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates