Food Holidays: June 13th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: June 13th, 2022. It’s funny that today is Cupcake Lover’s Day because early this morning Charlie said he would like to have a slice of Chocolate Cake. Which if I had knew this before David left for work I would have asked David to take Charlie to the Grocery Store to pick up a Cake Mix, Liners and Cupcake Pans and we would have baked Cupcakes although it might have been easier to purchase already cooked Cupcakes but not as much fun as spending time in the kitchen with those we love.

Cupcake Lover’s Day

Five Facts about Cupcakes:
  •  Cupcake liners do more than make it easy to remove Cupcakes from the pan. Traditionally, sides of tins are greased for easy removal, but Floured because the batter needs to have something to cling to. A cupcake liner takes care of both.
  • On August 15, 2009 broke the world record for the largest Cupcake ever made which was 1,224 pounds, 4 foot tall by 10 foot wide, and had 2 million calories.
  • One of the most popular Cupcake Bakery’s in the U.S. is Crumbs in New York City.
  • Did you know the first mention of a Cupcake recipe goes as far back as 1796 when Amelia Simms wrote a recipe in “American Cookery” which referenced, “a cake to be baked in small cups”.
  •  However, it wasn’t until 1828 that the actual word Cupcake was used by Eliza Leslie in her cookbook “Seventy-five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats”.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates