Unique Holidays: April 14th, 2022


Good morning, how are you? I wanted to share our series featuring Unique Holidays: April 14th, 2022 with you. Would you take a look at the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why.

Dance Like a Chicken Day

Image result for Dance Like a Chicken Day

Dance Like a Chicken Day is for those who like to do the “Chicken Dance”. All ‘ya gotta do is dance like a Chicken and any dance song will do, because there’s no dance like the Chicken dance.

The Chicken Dance is a tradition to play and dance at every Wedding Reception to play and to dance the Chicken. The Chicken Dance gets people of all ages up dancing and mingling. The Chicken Dance puts a smile on everyone’s face. The Chicken Dance is not limited to Weddings and the Chicken Dance is also played at Social events where there is a band and dancing.

The only problem is that events are way too frequent for a Chicken Dance lover. Therefore, today exists to provide you with a opportunity to dance like a Chicken.  

Did you know there are more Chickens than humans in the world.

History and Origin of Dance Like a Chicken Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday.

We did uncover the  origin of the Chicken Dance song which was originally titled “Der Ententanz” The Duck Dance. Chicken Dance was created by Swiss accordion player Werner Thomas of Davos, Switzerland. Werner Thomas created the Chicken Dance in the 1950’s. Over the years, the Chicken Dance quickly became popular, at Weddings.

International Migratory Bird Day the second Saturday in May

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Bird Day is always May 4thth/

National Bird Day is celebrated on January 5th.

International Migratory Bird Day is observed on the second Saturday in May.

People love birds and Bird watching is a favorite pastime of people. Bird Watching is the most popular of hobbies, and can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age. With this popularity, it comes as no surprise that there is more than one day established to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate Birds. We suggest you celebrate all of these holidays.

Now, let’s help to take some of the confusion around a number of distinctly different “Bird” days:

Bird Day is the oldest of the days set aside to recognize Birds. According to the U.S. Library of Congress, Bird Day was first observed  on May 4th, 1894. The holiday was started by Charles Almanzo Babcock, superintendent of schools in Oil City, Pennsylvania. By 1910, Bird Day was widely celebrated, often in conjunction with Arbor Day. Bird Day and Arbor Day events are focused upon conservation training and awareness.

National Bird Day was created by Bird activists and the holiday calls upon people to recognize the plight of captive Birds. National Bird Day also draws attention to exploitation of Birds in the U.S. Pet industry. On this holiday, organizers suggest we reflect upon the conditions of Birds held in captivity.

Our research did not find any documentation that this is a “National” Holiday, which requires an act of congress.

International Migratory Bird Day celebrates the incredible journey that Migratory Birds take each year when they travel thousands of miles between breeding grounds in North America, and their Winter homes in Central and South America. Organizers say this is a day to both support, and to increase awareness of conservation efforts in support of Migratory Birds. They also suggest a Field Trip into the Woods to look for Migrating Birds.

On each of these Bird Days, we encourage you to take a few minutes to observe Birds, as well as to feed them. 

Hummingbirds are the smallest Migratory Birds

More Bird Holidays, include Feed the Birds Day

National Windmill Day – the second Saturday in May

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Today is National Windmill Day, a national holiday in the Netherlands which is also called Holland. Holland is home to thousands of Windmills, where Windmills have helped reclaim the land from the Sea, pumping countless amounts of water over dikes, and back into the sea. Windmills are also essential for industry, most notably Flour Mills. Increasing numbers of Windmills are now being installed in Holland, Europe, the United States and many other Countries for a new purpose to provide clean, carbonless energy for a power hungry world.

The Netherlands has about 1,200 Windmills remaining in their Country. Only about 300 Windmills are operational and have been designated as National Monuments. On National Windmill Day, over 950 Windmills in Holland open their doors to visitors, providing them with an up close look at the inner workings of Windmills.

Recognizing the importance of Windmills to produce “green” energy, we encourage you to use this holiday to support Windmill research, and to promote the development and installation of Windmills in your community.

History and Origin of National Windmill Day:

National Windmill Day originated in Holland but our research has not found any European organization or government claiming to have created this holiday which appears to have originated early in the 2000’s.

From our research, neither Holland, nor any other government has issued a proclamation making this a true “National” Holiday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates