Baby Safety is Important

The Mommies Reviews

Baby Safety is Important

The amount of advice available for new parents is huge. You will be given advice on every aspect of your new child’s life; cleaning, dressing, feeding, sleeping, safety, and development are the ones you may hear about most. It is excellent to have so much information and advice readily available, especially for first-time parents, as it can make the experience of having a new baby a little less daunting. 

You may also find that you are given a lot of unsolicited advice, so it can be difficult to know what information is reliable and which to disregard. We recommend that if this is the case, you should complete your research on sites approved by your healthcare provider. 

We advise that you also look at the most up-to-date advice available as baby advice has changed significantly in recent years. We often hear of friends or family members criticizing new parents for not doing things the way they did, and it can be difficult to stand your ground. 

Safety First

In all aspects of your baby’s life, you should always think of safety first. Whether this is for sleeping, car journeys, feeding, or where you change their diaper, it is imperative to also ensure that your child is in a safe environment. To do this for each scenario, you should ensure that you: 

  • Follow safe sleeping advice and ensure that your child’s sleeping area is not cluttered, is at the right temperature, and that you are close and able to see them. If your child has transitioned into their own room, you can use a wireless baby video camera to check on them. A wireless baby video camera will ensure there are no additional wires in your child’s room that can cause a safety hazard. 
  • When traveling in a car with your child, you should always ensure that you have an appropriate car seat for your child’s age. You should check when buying car seats that they meet all applicable safety standards for where you live. 
  • When feeding your child, you should ensure that the food you are giving them is age-appropriate and nutritionally rich. You should ensure that you always supervise your child when eating to ensure that they do not choke. With any foods that could cause allergies, you should introduce them individually spaced over time so you can pick out more easily what the allergen could be. 
  • Changing your child’s diaper has the potential for injury if you change them on a changing table or elevated surface. If changing your child in this way, you should gather all of the items you need before putting the baby down so that you do not have to move away from the baby. Babies are notorious for rolling when you least expect it, so you should never leave them on an elevated surface. 

Safety, when you are not in the immediate vicinity of your baby, is not always easy. A wireless video monitor will allow you to keep a close eye on your baby when you are not in the same room as them. It can be moved from room to room easily if needed and can help put your mind at rest if you are away from your baby after they go to sleep too.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates