[UBC] Day 7: Ultimate Blog Challenge: April 7th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Congratulations! Most people would be on the last day of the first week! Rock On if there were posting daily like we had been asked to. But once again I am playing catch up. But I don’t care I am trying and that is all that counts, isn’t it trying and not giving up?


If you need an idea of what to post about and your taking place in the Ultimate Blog Challenge here are some ideas that might work for you:

Day 7: Create a Resources List

Sharing links to sites that have helped you in your business is a great way to get some “link love” as well as help your readers with some pretty cool information! Share the top resources that make your day-to-day online life easier.

Here is a Money Making Tip: If you do any affiliate marketing, use your links for the resources if that is possible! Earning commissions are always fun! (Please note – if your website is NOT self-hosted (for example, you are using wordpress.com or blogger), you many not be able to do this – check your Terms & Services. For example, wordpress.com does, “not allow any image with an affiliate link.”)

Instead of me sharing Resources with you as I honestly don’t know what I could share this morning. I would like to ask you what resources you use and why. Please share the link with me so I can check them out as well. If they are a Affiliate program let me know and I will make sure to share with my friends who might be looking for those resources which might lead you to a sale or two.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates