Unique Holidays: April 2002: National Kite Month

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 2022: National Kite Month. I would like to share something funny about myself with you. Did you know no, matter what I do I can’t keep a kite in the air. Before you ask what about David and Charlie I don’t know if they can fly a kite or not. How about you. Can you fly a kite?

National Kite Month

Image result for national kite month

What is National Kite Month?

Every year in April Kite enthusiasts across North America celebrate the history and the future of the world’s favorite pastime by letting kite’s fly. APril is a month to celebrate the joy and happiness that comes from letting out the line, and letting your kite catch the wind. Then letting that kite soar high into the sky.

Why April?

April was chosen as National Kite Month because this is the month that perfectly symbolized hope, potential, and joy.  April is the first month in Spring, and April is when most kite fliers start to bringing their kites out of the closet and prepare for a summer on the Beach.

April is the month that while we Spring clean and dust off the cobwebs. We can look fondly back on the memories of the year before while looking towards a bright future. April is also the month that we see the last of the Snow giving way to green lawns, April is a month that we are eager to get outside and be active. So why not do it with a kite this year?

Who Runs National Kite Month?

NKM is organized by the American Kitefliers Association (AKA). Volunteers work to help promote kite flying throughout the year and during.

What Can You do? Go fly a kite. Which is the best part about celebrating National Kite Month, making it easy to celebrate National Kite Month!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates