Unique Holidays: April 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 2022. It’s National Frog Month. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always loved Frogs. As a child I even had a Frog that lived in my grandmother’s closet. Let me tell you that didn’t make her to happy, but she left my Frog in there because it made me happy.

As a adult I could be a stinker at time just as I was as a child. When I was little my Grandmother would tell me she was going to eat Worms and die. I dug Worms up for her and told her to eat them. Then when my Nephew David was little he found a Frog he wanted.

We were outside in his Driveway and couldn’t find anything to put the Frog in. I didn’t want to pick up the Frog and take a change of getting a Wart. Instead, I grabbed my mom’s Coffee cup and poured her Coffee out and caught the Frog in the Coffee Cup. My nephew was so happy why my mom was mad at me. But what can I say other than my nephew wanted a Frog?

National Frog Month

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National Frog Month is observed in April/ The month dedicated to Frogs. Unlike other Animals, not everyone loves Frogs. With their look, appearance, and especially the croak-croak sound. Frogs are Amphibian creatures found both on land and water. Frogs are found to be predators and are playing a vital role in maintaining the environment throughout its lifetime. 

Frogs have been valued as food by humans, and also have many cultural roles including literature, symbolism, and religion. But in recent years, Frogs have been threatened with extinction for numerous reasons. There were approximately about 6,000 known species of Frogs found of which 4,800 recorded Frog types were found worldwide except Antarctica. But in the past decade, approximately 170 species of Frogs have become extinct.

People and various organizations are using this awareness Month of April to focus on the universal decline in the population in locations across the world of Frogs. We can also choose to celebrate Frogs because they represent a symbol of transition. Frogs leap from one thing, place, or situation to another.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates