Unique Holidays: April 1st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Howdy! How are you this morning? Don’t forget today is April Fool’s Day. It is no, joke I’m back sharing our series featuring Unique Holidays: April 1st, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why.

April Fool’s Day– April 1st  

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  April Fool’s Day is an opportunity for playing jokes and tricks on one another. The stranger or more absurd the better. The challenge is to carry out a trick that is believable, if only for a little while. Did you know tricks are most successful if played earlier in the day before a person is wise to what is going on. Remember younger children are more gullible.

Any tricks should be harmless and in good taste for the unsuspecting “victim”. I suggest you think twice before pulling one your boss, even if they seem to have a good humor.

Jokes and gags must be harmless and fun, and they must not be dangerous or hurt anyone’s feelings. Give your jokes and gags thought before carrying them out.

Origin of April Fool’s Day

The exact origin of this Holiday is uncertain, but it appears to have a number of possible origins. The Holiday may have evolved in part from any number of them. To many, it dates back to France in 1564. At the time, April 1st was New Year’s Day. In 1564, New Years was changed to January 1st. People who continued to celebrate April 1st as the beginning of the New Year, were called “April fools”.  People would play jokes and tricks on them. Did you know April Fool’s Day also has roots in days of the Roman Empire, where jokes and pranks were also played on April 1st.

Atheist Day

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Every Religion around the world, from the smallest to the largest, has their share of special or holy days. What about Atheists? Is there a holy day for them to celebrate? No religion? That is today, Atheist Day!

 There are over 7 billion people on the planet and there are about 142 million Atheists.

The origin of Atheist Day did not arise in a normal way, with interested individuals or groups. Rather, Atheist Day evolved from an internet hoax. The hoax was a lulu that took on a life of its own and it is the premier example of fake news. 

In 2003, an internet post was made, stating that a Florida man sought the help of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in an effort to get the courts to make a non-religion holiday for Atheists. The judge ruled that April 1st which happens to be April Fool’s Day was to be their (un)holy holiday and Atheist Day was born.

Even though the day may have begun as a spoof, it seems only right that Atheists have their own Holiday. After all, doesn’t “Freedom of Religion” also mean “Freedom from Religion”?

How to Celebrate Atheist Day

  • If you are an Atheist, this is your Holiday to do as you see fit.
  • Their spiritual message is that there is no God and Atheists can celebrate this belief today.
  • While Atheism may appear to be controversial, it wouldn’t hurt to spend a little time learning about Atheism. I;m not suggesting, you become an Atheist just that you learn about Atheist.
  • If you meet an Atheist, give them respect today and every day.

History and Origin of Atheist Day

We know this Holiday originated with an internet hoax although we do not know who posted it.

There is some reference to this as a “National” Holiday but there is no presidential proclamation or act of congress making Atheist Day an official “National” day.

We discovered some references to Atheist Day or Atheist related days on other dates and an occasional reference suggested National Atheist was on March 23rd and began in 2019.

International Fun at Work Day

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Fun at Workday is a day to have fun at work. Work should be fun but normally, work is not intended to have fun. It’s intended to get work done. You’re a very lucky person, if you if you can get work done and have fun doing it. The lucky souls in this situation, love their job. Are you someone who can have fun at work and loves their job? Because I can have fun at my job and yes, I do love my job. While David can’t have fun at work and doesn’t have much fun at work.

All of us are not lucky enough to have a job that’s fun to do if that’s you, then today is a day just for you! Think of ways to make your job more fun and exciting. Look for fun things at work today, even if it takes away from production just a wee bit.

If you do fun things today that is counter-productive, or takes you away from the job, make sure you get your boss’ permission first. Better still, get your boss involved.

International Tatting Day– Always on April 1st

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Tatting Day has been celebrated internationally since the late 1990’s and April 1st is International Tatting Day.

Tatting is the skill of making elegant, tatted lace and this is enjoyed by thousands of people.

On this day, “tatters” around the world have different activities, mostly educational, to celebrate their hobby, and introduce tatting to others. Often, they celebrate by eating Chocolates and making tatted lace.

National Walk to Work Day – first Friday of month

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U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson declared the first National Walk to Workday as April 2nd, 2004. With obesity and sedentary lifestyles growing at an alarming rate, National Walk to Workday was initiated to draw attention to the need to get out and exercise, and to get in shape.

On this day, Americans are encouraged to walk to work and if you can’t walk to work, take a walk during lunch time, or another time of the day. The goal is to walk 30 minutes a day and health officials are hoping this will encourage people to add a 30-minute walk to their daily lives. Health officials, medical agencies, and medical organizations around the Country State that a 30-minute walk will significantly improve your health. The benefits are many, including lower weight, less chance of heart disease, and less risk of diabetes. Which translates to a longer and healthier life.

Unmentioned in other articles, is the emotional and mental benefits of walking. Walking is relaxing and peaceful. If you walk in a park, or along a waterfront, walking can be captivating. Need a quick picker upper? Take a walk today.

Walking is free of charge and, as of this writing, there is no tax on walking.

If you can’t walk to work today, set aside 30 minutes to walk during at a convenient time for you. Then, make walking a apart of your daily life. 

Here is another similar holiday of interest: Bike to Work Day

 Did you know Australia also has a Walk to Workday which is the first Friday in October?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates