Food Holidays: April 31st

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: April 31st. It’s hard to believe we are entering April a new month. Where did April go? I can’t believe were entering a new month and I can’t wait to share all the Food Holiday’s happening this month. Which Charlie and I will be using the Holidays in our Cooking Class.

  • Global Astronomy Month
  • International Guitar Month
  • Keep America Beautiful Month
  • Lawn and Garden Month
  • National Card and Letter Writing Month
  • National Frog Month
  • National Humor Month
  • National Kite Month
  • National Pecan Month
  • National Poetry Month
  •  National Welding Month
  • Records and Information Management Month
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • Stress Awareness Month

Weekly Celebrations:

  • Week 1 Library Week
  • Week 1 Read a Road Map Week.
  • Week 2 Garden Week
  • Week 3 Organize Your Files Week
  • Week 3 Medical Labs Week
  • Week 4 Administrative Assistants Week
  • Week 4 National Karaoke Week

April, 2022 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

April 1

April Fool’s Day

Atheist Day

International Fun at Work Day

International Tatting Day

National Walk to Work Day – first Friday of month

April 2

Children’s Book Day

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

Ramadan – begins at sundown, date varies

Reconciliation Day

April 3

Don’t Go to Work Unless it’s Fun Day – we know your decision

Find a Rainbow Day

Tweed Day

World Party Day

April 4

Hug a Newsman Day

Walk Around Things Day

School Librarian Day

Tell a Lie Day

World Rat Day

April 5

Deep Dish Pizza Day

Go for Broke Day

National Dandelion Day

National Library Workers Day – Tuesday of Library week in April

Read a Road Map Day

April 6

California Poppy Day 

National Tartan Day

National Walking Day – first Wednesday in month

New Beer’s Eve

Plan Your Epitaph Day – a little morbid if you ask me

Sorry Charlie Day

Teflon Day

April 7

Caramel Popcorn Day – Most likely created by a popcorn maker, or an Ecard company.

International Beaver Day

National Beer Day

National Burrito Day –  first Thursday of month

No Housework Day

World Health Day

April 8

All is Ours Day

Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

Zoo Lover’s Day

April 9

Name Yourself Day

Winston Churchill Day

April 10

Golfer’s Day 

National Farm Animals Day

National Siblings Day

Palm Sunday – date varies

Safety Pin Day

April 11

Barbershop Quartet Day

Eight Track Tape Day – do you remember those?

National Pet Day

National Submarine Day

April 12

Big Wind Day – this day blows me away!

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

International Be Kind to Lawyers Day – The second Tuesday in April

National Licorice Day

International Day of Human Space Flight / Russian Cosmonaut Day

Walk on Your Wild Side Day

April 13

International Plant Appreciation Day

National Bookmobile Day – The second Wednesday in April

National Peach Cobbler Day

Scrabble Day

April 14 

Ex Spouse Day

International Moment of Laughter Day

Look up at the Sky Day – don’t you have anything better to do?

National Dolphin Day

National Pecan Day

Reach as High as You Can Day

April 15

Good Friday – date varies

Income Taxes Due (most years, it’s on the 15th)

Passover begins at sundown – date varies

Rubber Eraser Day

Take a Wild Guess Day

That Sucks Day

Titanic Remembrance Day

World Art Day

April 16

Husband Appreciation Day – third Saturday in April

Mushroom Day

National Bean Counter Day

National Eggs Benedict Day

National Librarian Day

Record Store Day – third Saturday in April

Save the Elephant Day

World Circus Day – third Saturday in April

April 17

Bat Appreciation Day

Blah, Blah, Blah Day

Easter Sunday – date varies

Herbalist Day

International Haiku Poetry Day

National Cheeseball Day   

April 18

Dyngus Day always the Monday after Easter

International Juggler’s Day – also applies to multi tasking office workers

National Stress Awareness Day – first workday after U.S. taxes are due

Newspaper Columnists Day

Patriot’s Day – third Monday of the month 

Pet Owners Independence Day

April 19

 National Garlic Day

National Hanging Out Day 

April 20

Chinese Language Day

Look Alike Day

Volunteer Recognition Day

April 21

Kindergarten Day

National High Five Day third Thursday

April 22

Earth Day (U.S.)

Girl Scout Leader Day

National Jelly Bean Day

April 23

Lover’s Day

National English Muffin Day

National Zucchini Bread Day – they hold this at a time when you are not sick of all that zucchini.  

Take a Chance Day

World Laboratory Day

April 24 

Pig in a Blanket Day

April 25

East Meets West Day

 National DNA Day

World Penguin Day  

April 26

Hug an Australian Day

National Pretzel Day

 Richter Scale Day

April 27

Administrative Professionals Day (Executive Admin’s Day, Secretary’s Day) –  date varies

Babe Ruth Day

Morse Code Day

National Prime Rib Day

Tell a Story Day

April 28

International Astronomy Day

Great Poetry Reading Day

Kiss Your Mate Day – guys, do not forget this one. Kiss her, then read her some poetry.

National Teach Children to Save Day – the date in April changes every year

Take Your Daughter to Work 4th Thursday

April 29

Arbor Day  -last Friday of month

Greenery Day

International Dance Day

National Shrimp Scampi Day

National Zipper Day

April 30

Hairstyle Appreciation Day

International Jazz Day

National Honesty Day

National Raisin Day

National Mahjong Day