The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for Brown Toy Box who sent me Brown Toy Box Coding and App Development STEAM Kit in exchange for this review.

During Spring Break like a lot of parents I had plans on things I wanted to do including spending time with my niece and nephew. But the Lord had other plans for our family as their Great Grandmother on their mom’s side passed away.

We found out we needed to move, and our home is being packed so I couldn’t bring Lily and Jason over to play. Then I thought I would take Brown Toy Box Coding and App Development STEAM Kit over to Lily and have her Skype me as we worked through the box.

Although the LORD again had other plans for me. I was gathering things for David to drop off to Lily. Charlie saw the Brown Toy Box Coding and App Development STEAM Kit and asked me what it was. I let Charlie know it was a Coding and App Kit to teach Stem with. Charlie being Charlie says but mom I’m Homeschooling. I want to learn Coding.

Which was news to me because I’ve asked Charlie in the past if he wanted to take a Coding Class and he said no, I don’t think so. I went and got the kit out and begin to open everything up when Charlie walked up and said can we do this together.

We sat down at the kitchen table and took everything out of the box discussing what each item was. Then I handed Charlie the instructions and he had fun reading them out loud. Which is a reading class for Charlie. Then Charlie and I begin to make a name necklace using the beads and the code we were givien.

Once we finished with Charlie’s name Charlie went ahead and added his dog Bear’s name to his necklace. Then Charlie asked me if we could pick up more of the beads and use the cards to create necklaces with mine and David’s name and out other dogs for us to wear.

Charlie and I begin to look through the activity book and Charlie sat down on the couch with his dad, and they worked on the Crossword Puzzle. Bringing them closer together while creating new memories. Which I loved and was so proud of both Charlie and David.

Charlie took the little girl figure out to set on his School Room Shelf with the kit to use in our Science Class and also our Art Class in the future. Then Charlie and I flipped through the set of cards and took turns reading them to each other.

Charlie and I played with the box and put her in the school room then we made other rooms using supplies we have in our home and clothes for us. Charlie and I discussed her name and why we liked it. Charlie let me know he would like to have more of these kits so when his friends are over, they can work on them together.

With Easter fast approaching I would like to get Charlie MARINE BIOLOGY STEAM KIT which will go with our studies on Animals, Oceans, Lakes and Rivers. Along with ROBOTICS STEAM KIT because Charlie has been building Robots since he was a Toddler and it’s going to be fun to add this to his collection.


Brown Toy Box Coding and App Development STEAM Kit: Learn the logic of coding and create a bracelet using the fundamentals of binary coding. The two-sided figure cutout and three-wall coding/gaming experience comes with an activity book with fun facts, games and coloring pages. 

Brown Toy Box: @browntoybox #BrownToyBox #StayCurious #PurposefulPlay 

Brown Toy Box toy companies founded are founded by visionary Black female entrepreneurs on their mission to develop toys for diversity and inclusion.

Terri-Nichelle Bradley, the creator of Brown Toy Box, seeks to normalize Black excellence and cultivate curiosity and passion. With the creation of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) focused kits, she helps kids of all backgrounds immerse in the learning experience and feel personally represented.


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates