Unique Holidays: March 8th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Here we are again sharing our series featuring Unique Holidays: March 8th, 2022. Did you know there is a Holiday called be Nasty Day? Which is you having a TEENAGER like I do then you face this each and every day so we should celebrate them although after dealing with Charlie and his ATTITUDE today I think I as a mom deserve to be celebrated with a drink and dinner. Would you like to go out with me this evening?

Be Nasty Day– always held on March 8th.

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If ever there was a Holiday or observance to NOT participate in, then it’s Be Nasty Day!

We all know there are naughty days, and nice days, and goodie gumdrop days on the calendar to celebrate and enjoy. So, it stands to reason that there will be a few negative types of Holidays. This definitely is one of those Holidays.

We hope you do not celebrate this Holiday, and that Be Nasty Day is not popular, but we did want to include it sharing Unique Holidays with you. If you do celebrate today, please recognize that there is a big difference between being nasty and being cruel. Sending a few harmless Ecards may be a way to celebrate Be Nasty Day.

International (Working) Women’s Day– always held on March 8th.

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 International Women’s Day is sponsored worldwide by the United Nations. However, the UN did not originate International (Working) Women’s Day the root of this Holiday goes back to the late 1800’s and early 1900s. International (Working) Women’s Day grew from women’s Socialist Movements and early Women’s Trade Union Groups.

The first International Women’s Day was held March 19th, 1911. Women Socialists and Trade Unions held an earlier Women’s Day on the last Sunday in February 1908. The event grew from there and has been celebrated annually since. The focus is upon women workers, and advancing women’s rights in the workforce, Politics and Society.

Related Holidays

International Day of the Girl Child

More Information:

The History of IWD

International Women in Australia

National Proofreading Day– always held on March 8th.

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Today is a grammatically correct Holiday which is National Proofreading Day. Whether you are sending a note at work, an email or text to a friend, writing a document to publish, proofreading is an essential task. Even the best of us makes mistakes in writing. Busy lives cause us to rush as we write, resulting in errors. If we’re not good at grammar and spelling, proofreading is even more important.

Take time to proofread everything you write, even when filling out forms or texting. It makes your written word look professional and intelligent. Todays spellcheck and writing tools helps us to identify and correct some of our errors. But they go only so far. Proofreading checks much more than what computer tools have to offer. Proofreading includes grammar, sentence structure, typos, punctuation, verb tense, incomplete or run-on sentences and more. When writing important documents, a second pair of eyes offers the proofreading assistance we need.

There are three big things you can do to enjoy this Holiday:

  • If you are a proofreader, celebrate proofreading and your career.
  • Make efforts to incorporate proofreading for every keystroke you type.
  • If you employ or use a proofreader show your appreciation to them with a big thanks, and treat them to lunch.  

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates