Unique Holidays: March 7th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

As I was sharing out series for Unique Holidays: March 7th, 2022 with Charlie and I let Charlie know it’s National Ceral Day Charlie began to dance around because he loves Cereal, which is one of his favorites for breakfast, lunch dinner and yes, snack meals. Do you like cereal as much as Charlie does?

National Cereal Day– always held on March 7th.

I would like to ask if you’ve had your bowl of Corn Puffs today? Or Cheerios? If not did you have Captain Crunch? Or and one of dozens of varieties of Cereal? If you need to get your day going, then you should have a bowl of Bran Cereal. No, matter what Cereal you chose, you’re in good company because one half of Americans enjoy a start to the day, with a bowl of Cereal.

Did you know Cereal arrived at the breakfast table in America in the mid 1800’s.? You could say Cereal was the very first health craze. At the time, the American diet was unhealthy, consisting of way too much protein, alcohol, and caffeine. It was believed that this combination was unhealthy, leading to poor overall health. This type of breakfast was also believed to cause constipation and gastro-intestinal illnesses and they were right! Some of the pioneers of cereal were alive at the time, and developed the first cereals, promoting cereals to improve diets and health. Americans bought into the concept and discovered that not only was cereal good for their health, but tasted good, too. Cereal was also a quick breakfast with little clean-up, allowing everyone to quickly get on with their morning chores and work. A bowl of healthy cereal soon became the go to for breakfast. In 1939, cereal became just a little less healthy, when Sugars were added to many varieties of cereal. Many saw the added Sugars as a boost to their morning energy levels.

 Cheerios were originally called “CheeriOats”. On National Cereal Day, you can begin celebrating bright and early with a bowl of cereal and you shouldn’t stop there because cereal can be consumed any time of the day or night.

Origin and History of “National Cereal Day”:

We traced the roots of National Cereal Day back to 2005. when we found no reference to this Holiday, and we did not find the author or any reference to why this Holiday was created. This day is referred to as a “National” Holiday. However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day.

National Crown Roast of Pork Day– always March 7th.

Image result for National Crown Roast of Pork Day-

You certainly must be kidding, right!? National Crown Roast of Pork Day, why you ask?

Well, frankly, we do not know and, why not just Roast Pork Day? Why does it have to be a Crown Roast Pork?

 What we do know, is that it is National Crown Roast of Pork Day, is a special day to cook Pork. To participate in this Holiday, it must be Crown Roast Pork, no other will not day.

Thank you.

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates