Food Holidays: March 2022: National Noodle Month

The Mommies Reviews

It’s funny I didn’t know that when sharing Food Holidays: March 2022: National Noodle Month that Charlie and I would have been celebrating this Holiday. As we made Spaghetti yesterday and today Charlie made Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger Macaroni and both dishes have Noodles allowing us to celebrate National Noodle Month.

Next time we have Noodles and celebrate this Holiday would you like to join us for dinner? Before you ask us what we will be making I can’t tell you because Charlie hasn’t picked out a recipe yet. But once we return from being out of town Charlie will and I will let you know what he is preparing.

National Noodle Month

Image result for national noodle month

Cooking dinner is easy when preparing Noodles boil Water, add Noodles, drain, and eat. Easy peasy. Noodles were first consumed in China 4,000 years ago. Noodles have become a staple of cultures all around the world. Noodles come in an array of sizes and shapes, including waves, tubes, shells. 


  1. With limitless combinations and recipes, Noodles offer a plethora of cooking options for you to explore the nuances of your choosing. From Asian dishes of China, Japan, or Malaysia, to dishes of Europe and North America, possibilities are endless.
  2. Noodles can be found in virtually any dish, including appetizers, salads, soups, entrees, and sometimes desserts. Celebrate Noodles by inviting friends and family to put their own “flavor” in a personal dish and see how many exciting and clever dishes are created.
  3. Noodles offer the perfect opportunity to give back to those who may not be as lucky as we are. Due to their reasonable sales price, noodles provide a chance to give a tasty and filling meal to those in need without having to break the bank.


  1. Boiled Water and a strainer are all that are required to make Noodles. Whether you are a Certified Master Chef at a 5-star restaurant, or a lowly college student rolling out of bed, anyone can create a Noodle dish.
  2. Did you know most Noodles cook in 8 to 12 minutes? You can eat Noodles right away, by adding Seasoning, or pour a Sauce of your choosing on top.
  3. With the average Ramen Noodle packet costing only 13 cents, you could eat three square meals a day for an entire year for just $142.65.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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