Unique Holidays: February 15th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: February 15th, 2022. Before we leave to run errands this morning as Charlie is going to make Chef Salads for dinner this evening and I would like to go to Hobby Lobby to see what Valentine’s Day Decor they have on sale this morning. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why.

Candlemas – on the Julian Calendar

Image result for Candlemas

When is Candlemas?

On the Modern calendar – February 2

On the Julian calendar – February 15

Candlemas is the last holiday of the Christmas Season and it is a Christian celebration, or festival, of the Feast of Purification of the Virgin Mary. Candlemas also celebrates the annual blessing of candles used by the church.

About the Feast of Purification:

According to Jewish customs, women were considered “unclean” after the birth of a child. The unclean period lasted 40 days after the birth of a son, and 60 days after the birth of a daughter. During this period, they were not allowed into the temple to Worship. At the end of this time, the woman was brought to the temple and “purified” in a ceremony.  After the birth of Christ, the Virgin Mary was purified on Candlemas or the Feast of Purification. 

On Candlemas, candles used during the year are blessed. In Christian churches, candles represent Jesus Christ as the light, the truth and the way.

National Gum Drop Day– always on February 15th.

Image result for national gum drop day

National Gumdrop Day honors the popular, Gelatin-based candy and they have been a favorite candy for many decades. Nowadays, the “Gummi” candies which are the same Gelatin Base, are the most popular Gumdrop type of sweet.

On National Gumdrop Day, you know what to do eat Gumdrops to your heart’s content! 

 I have a question for you. What children’s board game includes Gumdrops? Candyland

History and Origin of National Gumdrop Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday which was most likely started by a candy maker.

This Holiday is referred to as a “National” day. However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day.

Singles Awareness Day – always February 15th.

Singles Awareness Day is for those who are unattached, and without a significant other. Single Awareness Day is celebrated the day after Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day celebrates love and romance for those currently in a relationship. However, if you are between relationships, and without a significant other, you may feel left out. Valentine’s Day can be a depressing day. So, the day after Valentine’s Day is your day.

Singles Awareness Day traditions include:

  • Singles get together. It’s a chance to meet.
  • Singles give each other gifts
  • Spend a little time in online dating sites
  • You can celebrate and enjoy the fact that you are unattached.

Origin of Singles Awareness Day:

Our research found references to Dustin Barnes from Mississippi State University as the creator of this Holiday. Yes, Dustin was single at the time.

Susan B Anthony Day – always on February 15th.

Image result for Susan B Anthony Day

Today honors the birthday of Susan B. Anthony, one of the most important females in American history. Born on February 15, 1820, Susan B Anthony spent her life pushing women’s right to vote and equal rights for women. Susan B. Anthony was arrested in 1872, for attempting to vote in the presidential elections.  Susan B. Anthony helped bring about the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote.

For 40 years, Susan B. Anthony was a women’s rights and Civil Rights Activist and leader. As a child Susan B. Anthony moved to Rochester, NY with her family. Her family was active in the Anti-slavery movement. From there, Susan B. Anthony became active in the fight for women’s rights. Here home on 17 Madison Street in Rochester, NY. has become a National Historical site, and home to a museum about her and women’s rights.

Susan B Anthony is the only woman to date, to have her picture on a U.S. Coin or Paper Currency. Susan B. Anthony is on the Silver Dollar.

History and Origin of Susan B. Anthony Day

Our research did not find the creator, or when the Holiday was first celebrated. Susan B Anthony has an important place in U.S. History, as is more than deserving of this Holiday in her honor.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates