Unique Holidays: February 8th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to share our series sharing Unique Holidays: February 8th, 2022. Did you know today is Boy Scout Day? For a little bit Charlie was in Boy Scouts just like his dad was as a child. David’s Scout Leader was his mom, Sherry. Can you imgaine that? As for me know I never did lead a Boy Scout Troop, but I did lead Suzzie’s Girl Scout Troop when she was little.

Boy Scout Day – celebrates the birthday of Scouting– always on February 8th.

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Boy Scout Day celebrates the birthday of Scouting in America. On February 8th, 1910, Chicago publisher William Dickson Boyce filed incorporation papers in the District of Columbia to create the Boy Scouts of America.

Scouting groups across the Country celebrate this Holiday and often a cake will be served at the weekly meeting or on a campout. Scout Sunday, the Sunday nearest the 8th of February, will often be marked with a Church service, followed by a Pancake Breakfast. 

Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts offer a tremendously valuable program of life skills and values for millions of boys. Boy Scouts has been popular ever since Lord Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scouts in the early 1900s in Great Britain. The top award of Eagle Scout is an accomplishment that reaps recognition, rewards, and benefits for a young man throughout his life.

Interesting Scouting Facts:

In 2004, there were 3,145,331 Boys in the Boy Scouts program, and 1,173,064 scout leaders. Source: BSA website.

British Lord Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scouts in Britain. In 1907, Lord Robert Baden-Powell published the first Scouting manual, titled Scouting for Boys.

Lord Robert Baden-Powell  was born on February 22, 1857.

Lady Olave Baden-Powell, founded Girl Guides. The wife of Lord Baden-Powell, she was also born on February 22 (1889).

The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared”

The Boy Scout slogan is “Do a good turn daily”.

Kite Flying Day – in the middle of Winter– always on February 8th.

Image result for Kite Flying Day

Today is Kite Flying Day, a time to go fly a kite. People have enjoyed flying kites for thousands of years and kite flying is an ever-popular activity for children and enjoyed by adults.  

Ben Franklin was the most well-known kite flyer and Ben Franklin flew a kite in a Thunderstorm and discovered Electricity.

We are amazed that Kite Flying Day is held in the middle of Winter when chances are few people in the Northern States of the Country will brave the Snow or cold today to fly a kite today.

Kites were first used by the Military in ancient China over 3,000 years ago.

If the Weather is good in your Town, Go fly a Kite!

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday which may have originated in South America, where kite flying festivals are held at this time. Also, India holds an annual Kite Festival on January 14th.

We also found reference to many local or municipal “Kite Flying” days, held on various dates for a number of reasons. They were all local, and often a one time event.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates