February is National Chocolate Lovers

The Mommies Reviews

February is National Chocolate Lovers

Charlie and I wanted to let you know that even though this month is National Chocolate Lovers Month we are going to try and be good and cut back on the amount of Chocolate were eating. Before you ask me if I will be able to keep the goal, I don’t think I will be able to, but Charlie will.

Image result for National Chocolate Lovers Month

When you think of February, love, and sweets, come to mind. February is National Chocolate Lovers Month. Valentine’s Day occurred within the same month; it should come as no surprise that February is National Chocolate Lovers Month!

Chocolate is one of the most desired sweets in the world. The average American eats about a half a pound of Chocolate per month. Why stop today get out your apron and baking gear and let’s make Brownies or a Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Icing.

Although if you don’t have time to bake this morning you can run to the Grocery Store and pick up Chocolate snacks to share with your friends or family. Or invite a friend out to lunch or dinner and order a desert or two you can share. Just make sure one of the desserts is Chocolate Based.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates